Nineties Babies Nostalgia

life with derek season 3 part 1: playing the necking game w/ pop capsule pod

Jessica Forrester & Amanda Moore Season 3 Episode 27

This episode is somewhat about Life with Derek, more so about Canada and seeing where our ADHD can take us. We're covering season 3 episodes 1 (Two Timing Derek), 2 (It's Our Party), and 6 (The Bully Brothers). We also get Canadian context and quizzed on Canadianisms. 

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Get home from school, turn on my TV, who are these friends staring right back at me. Now that we're older why don't you come over, and go back in time with me? 90s babies nostalgia. 

A: Hi, I'm Amanda.

J: And I'm Jessica, and this is 90s Babies Nostalgia, where two fully grown millennial women rewatch and sometimes watch for the first time, tween entertainment from the early 2000s.

A: Just to be clear, we're not sponsored by nor affiliated with anything, anyone, in any brands, any production companies that we talk about in this podcast. We just really like talking about TV. And today we are joined by our friends at Pop Capsule Pod. Everyone, round of applause. Would you like to introduce yourselves?

M: You betcha. My name is Mallory.

E: And my name is Evan.

M: And we are the two brains, although depending on the day, it's mostly just Evan's brain, ah behind pop capsule podcast, where we look at ah the best of TV movies music from 10 and 20 years ago.

E: And remind people of how long ago 2004 was.

M: Yes.

A: Oh my gosh. Yes. And this feels like a long time coming because we've been on your pod and I feel like we've shouted you out a few times and you've shouted us out a few times.

J: Mmhmm. Mmhmm.

A: And it's like, I don't really know how we hadn't had you on the podcast before, but we were covering this one of a kind Canadian sitcom of ours. So beloved.

E: Hmm.

A: And we thought who better to discuss this with than our Canadian counterparts.

E: We are, are well versed in, in, in the lore of what we're talking about today. I'm very excited.

M: Yes, yes, thank you so much for having us on for this. week i I know that I'm like brimming with comments. I'm sure Evan is the same.

E: I didn't know that this is what my life was leading to, but now I'm glad that I've i've landed it.

M: Yeah.

A: And in case anyone's um somehow wondering, because it's not like in the title in a million different places, we're talking about Life with Derek. Covering season three, episode... Well, this is a part one. We're gonna cover episodes one, two, and six. It's a beefy season. There's like 26 episodes when the other seasons have 13, so that's rude, Family Channel.

J: Okay, Life with Derek season three aired May of 2007 and ran through July of 2008, a little bit longer of a run time because as Amanda said, it's a beefy season.

A: And the only notable difference I think in this season is that there's new clips in the intro. There's no new characters really introduced, but I was in the second episode and I was like, wait, Casey wasn't wearing that outfit before. So before we get into these episodes, I wanted to ask our friends here though, what are your memories associated with life with Derek? Why do you feel passionately about it? How was it received in Canada? Was it popular there? Was it known as the weird 1nc3st show? These are all questions I have and you don't have to answer any of them.

E: oh Mal I'll let you go first

M: I was gonna say you go first

E: Okay, so we all watched it at least our like our age group. We all watched it. We all definitely knew what was going on. Well received like I think we all enjoyed it. I think like I'll speak for the the the male perspective. We were always like. Yeah, Derek, like he's cool. I will remember being like, Derek kind of sucks a little bit, but 

J: Just a smidge. 

E: I couldn't fully explain why. um And then in terms of like the the 1nc3stuous thing, it was this weird thing where obviously watching it as a kid, I didn't see it. And then immediately upon remembering that it existed, I was like, I think they were trying to bang each other? Like the whole time? I don't know.

M: yeah definitely a quality about this too like I don't know if it reads for you this way but rewatching this show I'm like this is this is a Canadian TV show 

E: oh yeah 

M: like everything just from like the production value to the the kind of just like general setup of it to like all of the exterior shots of everything I was like this is very much a Canadian show. Yeah, definitely popular. like I know all my friends watch this. I also loved it because there were a few guests on it that you're like, I know them from another show. like i don't I don't know if it's this season where Derek dates the girl who played Shady Lane on Radio Free Roscoe, but I remember when she was on and I was like, oh my god, she's from another show I like. And like having one of the, is it Robbie Amell?

E: Yeah.

M: having one of the Amell brothers on there. Same as Evan though, I don't think I fully picked up on the 1nc3st vibes, but I remember being like, I like Derek, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to like him like that. 

A: this is fascinating to me because I was 12 probably watching this the first time and I remember wanting them to be together and knowing I being old enough to know that it was wrong to want them to be together 

M: right

A: and as an adult watching it back I'm like was that was that all in our heads like was it really that flirty and this is something that happens a lot with Jess because she's never seen it before and she often is like Guys, there was no flirting. 

J: Yeah 

A: You're all like gaslighting me into thinking that that was a thing.

J: Yeah.

M: I think part of it is is like lingering camera shots. So it makes it feel like people are staring at each other maybe more than they actually would be. I think that definitely would be-

A: Yeah. I agree. I also think derek seater plays derek not derek Michael seater plays Derek with what my mom would describe as a sh*t-eating grin, which it comes off naturally flirtatious.

M: Yeah.

E: Michael Cedar is like horny on main. Like he is just very much just out there 

A: Oh, yeah. He's a bisexual slvt and I live for it.

E: the whole time. But I think the thing that really drives home is there's many times where Casey will refer to Derek as her brother and he'll be like step brother. I'm like, okay, that's weird, man. Just be a family. Just don't give yourself a loophole. I don't like that.

A: Speaking of um their a brotherly-sisterly relationship, let's get into episode one, two-timing Derek. real quick summary. Jess, you want to take it away?

J: Yeah, so Emily is keeping tabs on all the boys at school, but specifically Derek, and he's noting that Derek and Kendra is the longest relationship Derek has ever had, and she's like, they are going to break up any day. And Casey's like, okay, that's fantastic, but can you please do research on Max? Is he single? Let me know. Later at home Casey has her dance partner Lucy come over to practice and Derek keeps flirting with Lucy which is bothering Casey since he's taken and Derek ends up asking Lucy out for dinner. And Casey confronts Derek about this and is like, if you don't call it off, then I'm going to tell Kendra myself. And so the next day at school, Emily sees Kendra flirting with some guy named Andre in the hallway. And so Casey tells Derek this to make him jealous. And later at home, it's date night. Derek's supposed to be taking out Lucy, but who shows up? Not Lucy. It's Kendra. And she knows because Casey told her. Kendra Derek kind of start to fight, but not really. And then immediately they're just like, oh my God, we like each other so much. We're just gonna stay together. We don't know how to be in a long-term relationship, but we're gonna try to make this work. It was very confusing. while all of this is happening, Emily is reporting back on Max. And she's like, he's in an on again, off again relationship. And so I don't think he's fully single. I'm pretty sure they're on again. And then Casey bumps into Max in the hallway, and he's like, I'm going to call you later. And then he does, and he's single.

A: Yeah, after she tells him off with a full speech on an index card.

J: Yep.

A: And I think that this episode really taps into a note that you guys brought up about, um, is Derek really a likable guy? I found from the very first, from the pilot, both Derek and Casey are charmingly insufferable.

J: Mhm.

M: Oh yeah, Casey's got big Ren Stevens energy.

A: Yeah.

J: Yeah.

E: That's exactly why I like her.

A: I kinda like her more than Ren, I think.

M: Oh yes, yeah, I agree she's more likable than Ren. But yeah, Derek has that like It's like if TJ Detweiler grew up to be skeevy.

E: Yeah.

M: Like he has that kind of like, everything's done with like a wink and a nudge and like a conspiratorial kind of vibe, but like, now he's a horny teenager on top of it.

E: He got he got one leather jacket and it was just game over.

A: and he truly has one, as is found out in another episode we are not covering. so Jess's first note on this episode is that this plot can be summed as cheating is bad, which I disagree with. So I would like to ask y'all how you took that.

E: Wait, are you asking us is cheating bad?

A: No, no, no, no, no. I realized how that came out. Do you think the plot can be summarized as cheating is bad?

E: I mean kind of yeah

J: Thank you. I feel like the lesson the family channel is trying to teach us here is cheating is bad.

M: Yeah, like we were in what? to You said 2007-ish around this time?

A: Yeah.

M: We weren't in a place where they were like, yes, be fluid with your relationships. Enjoy a variety of of people that wasn't happening in 2007. They were making a different point.

A: But Derek says they're not exclusive.

E: But does Kendra know that?

J: Yeah.

A: I mean, yes, but no.

M: both being very upset when the other person is actually with somebody. So it's, oh, it's not fully open.

E: I love that this can be boiled down to the man does not communicate and therefore problems.

J: Yeah.

A: Kendra also doesn't though. I mentioned in our previous recording, Derek and Kendra just like match each other's freaks so, so well.

J: They do.

M: are are you Are you folks like well acquainted with Lauren Collins who plays Kendra?

A: No, but I okay, I know that she's Paige like I that but I've never seen Degrassi but jess did.

J: I have seen Degrassi and I'm very familiar with all of her plot lines on Degrassi.

M: And it's a very similar, I would say it's a very similar energy. Slightly less cheerleader, but ah but still very popular girl, very like, carries herself well, self-assured kind of energy.

J: Yeah.

A: I just think that this plot line is more like, it's okay to commit. I feel like, the whole thing is like he doesn't, he's not really into Lucy and she's not really into Andre. They just both are like, wow, I've never been in a relationship for this long. Like I'm just used to flirting with people.

E: I, this is too hot to handle, right? Like that's what this is.

A: Yeah. Oh my God. I was just watching that for the first time tonight while I was cooking.

E: my wife is literally downstairs watching it right now. it's yeah, it just seems to be like I have a strong connection with Kendra, but I'm kind of interested to see where my connection with Lucy goes. So maybe I'll see what that's like. And then she, he sees her talking to Andre and he's like, whoa, French guy. I don't think I stand a chance.

M: whipping out binoculars in the hallway to watch Kendra talking to Andre is insane.

J: Especially because like there's no need. It's not necessary.

M: it's not that far away.

J: No.

E: They don't zoom in.

J: Yeah, that too.

M: I I think too like this just very much, I actually think captures like high school relationships.

A: Mm-hmm

M: Because nobody knows what nobody knows what they're doing. And you have a crush on this person, but you also kind of like this person. and you haven't figured anything out yet, and you're just kind of willing to, you're like, someone likes me? Okay, let's go that direction. Like, maybe that was just me, but.

A: No, I agree. And also, it has to do with that, like, growing up and learning to communicate. Derek's known for having taken three seniors to the junior prom! Like, that's his claim to fame!

M: I'm not sure I'm gonna put that one on a plaque.

E: Yeah, I feel like I can't stress enough how much like nobody would want to be friends with Derek if he went to our high school.

M: Yeah.

E: Like people would like hear him talking to be like, sure, bud, whatever you say, go. Yeah. Have fun.

A: Meanwhile, he is the cool guy in school.

J: Yeah, very popular.

A: oh Which kinda leads into Jess's next note.

J: Do we think it's weird that he wears polos? I feel like it's weird, because he's supposed to be like the cool guy, he plays hockey, like he gets all the girls, but like, why are you like 15, 16 wearing a polo? Like, who do you think you are?

E: This is Canadian core.

M: Yeah

J: Really?

E: 100%

M: this was this was a hundred percent how everyone in our high school dressed 

E: yes

J: they wore polos?

M: he could not look more like the median guy 

E: yeah yeah

M: of our high school 

E: I bought my first polo in like the seventh grade. Like this was just what you wore. Like you would be a lot of short sleeve polos and then it also be like some from Abercrombie.

J: To school.

E: Absolutely. 100%.

J: Weird

A: Okay, Jess, we were also wearing polos to school. It's just we were younger at this time. Like this was when Abercrombie and Fitch was popular and stuff like that.

J: That's true.

A: But I think the disconnect for me is that polos are like preppy wear and he's like, you prep, I'm cool.

E: But even like the so all the hockey players, pretty much anyone who was popular in any way still wore like preppy looking clothes.

M: Yeah.

E: Like it was very rare for someone to have non preppy style and be popular. Like there was never like one person in like ripped jeans being cool all of a sudden. It was just like, no, you wear Hollister or you don't get popular.

A: we We did have an episode with the punk character who was like a mutant in the school.

E: And they're like, ah, alternative beliefs.

A: It was literally an episode about how punks are people too.

J: Yeah, it was wild.

M: It's an important lesson for us all to learn.

A: I'm surprised Casey has any loyalties to Derek at all. Like she spends this whole episode like, should I tell Kendra because he's two timing her, but also like he's my brother, stepbrother. Should I like let him do his own thing and figure it out, which was surprising. But there's a great scene where she's going through it trying to get some sort of solace from Lizzie, and Lizzie's just fully fake sleeping the whole time. 

J: Yep

A: And I just really love her.

J: And the moment Casey leaves, Lizzie like pops on the light and opens up her book and is like, finally some peace. Like.

M: Lizzie has had 12 years of this. 

J: Yeah

M: She's like, i know how I know how to get out of this one.

A: Yeah, for being what was the younger sibling, she has peak middle child energy.

M: Oh yeah, 100%.

E: Yeah. and And She clearly has just put up with Casey's crap for so long that she's like I know exactly what to do to just like make her stop. And also she's so like she seems so self reliant like of all of the children, maybe except for Marti, who was just like a ah wild child. Like she's just so able to handle her own crap that she's just like, Listen, just tell her or don't. I don't care.

A: We are big Marti fans up in this in this podcast, just so you know.

J: Mm-hmm. 

M: Oh, yeah.

J: Marti's my queen and I would do anything for her. I freaking love her so much.

A: We want to be her when we grow up.

J: Yeah, literally.

M: her style, too. Impeccable. I don't know personally for me, like, both Evan and I have a pretty big like age gap with our siblings. And so I think our relationship with our siblings in general is a little bit different. Like we were never in the same grade as them. We were never at the same school as them at the same time. So we never actually had to like interact with them on,

A: coexist

M: yeah, like at school and at home. Like we always kind of had that like

E: It was like they did like scouting missions of high school before and then came back and gave us Intel.

M: Yeah 

E: And they were like, high school's terrible. We're like, oh, sh*t. Okay.

M: Yeah, and so like I mean, i I can't speak for Evan, but like I never brushed my teeth in the mirror at the same time as my brother as we talked about our our day and who we were interested in. like

E: That's a that was a moment. All right. There was way too much lingering camera shots.

M: It was very, bring- very bring it on.

A: This brings us to, for every episode, we are doing a dasey scale, which in the first season we called a sibling flirting scale, and then quickly realized that was a mistake.

J: quickly

A: So we're calling it a dasey scale, where Jess gives a rating of like some sort of flirty tension between the two. It's for science, guys. We're documenting this. It's purely objective, since she hasn't seen it before. And she gave this a 0 out of 10.

J: Yep.

A: this episode a zero out of ten and I 

J: Woah shocked, shocked faces

A: I disagree because of the toothbrushing scene alone because you don't know how many compilation videos that scene is in Jess like  

J: I didn't feel that that scene was that flirty.

A: Why are they so close together

E: Why are they like switching sides constantly like it's I think what it is is there's nothing else in the episode that feels flirty like it's explicitly about Derek's other relationships so that all of a sudden to have this moment is very much like why now this is a weird little set piece that you're you're having with the with the bathroom sink just one of you to go first the other one go after

M: and he like calls out like, oh, that's a a bold statement from someone wearing like bunny slippers, and like it's just like a very like vulnerable, you just see her like as if he's like, yes, yes.

E: We were two steps away from someone saying make me, you know what I mean? Like.

M: yes, yes

A: Which honestly is the vibe every time that those two are in the bathroom together 

M: I just, I don't really understand the being in the bathroom at the same time as your sibling in general. I don't think it's necessary.

A: No, I didn't I never did it 

E: No, somebody has the bathroom. You you you mark ownership that's yours. and have Don't have to walk in. That's weird. 

M: I don't do that with my husband I not doing that with my brother no

J: You don't share the bathroom with your husband?

M: No it's his time and then it's my time if I need to like grab my deodorant I can go in and grab my deodorant or something like that but I

J: Okay. Yeah, I have two bathrooms and I still feel like it's shared space, both bathrooms.

A: So for me, the dasey scale would be a three out of 10. 

E: I put a two. I said it was a two in 10. It was just the bathroom scene like that was the only one.

M: yeah like far and away this isn't the most like tense episode between them but it's not a zero it's definitely not a zero

A: Thank you.

J: Okay.

A: I needed you to be on this podcast so that I didn't seem like the creepy 1nc3st shipper all on her own.

E: we got you don't worry

A: Thank you. A couple of quotes to throw out for this episode.

J: Yeah. I wrote down one where, I don't know, something of Casey's gets shrunk. Something accidentally gets 

E: her leotard

J: yeah, her leotard gets shrunk in the dryer. And she asks, didn't you check the what doesn't go in the dryer list? And it just felt like a very me moment. I would have a what doesn't go on the dryer list that's posted in front of the dryer.

E: This is also just a good reminder that because it's George, who does it, George is not good at fatherhood, 

J: he tries

E: potentially, like, 

A: Neither of them are, girl, neither of them are.

E: they, they both really struggle, especially like parenting the other person's kids, they just have no idea.

A: Yeah, I also wrote down someone asks Casey, what do you think? And she goes, apparently too much. Which like is a very me thing, to say.

E: That would have done numbers on 2012 Tumblr. 

A: Absolutely 

J: Mhmm

E: That would have just some sort of dramatic photo.

A: which is where my brain still lives in

E: when he Derek's been confronted by Casey and the the whole talking with ah with Lucy and he says, just because I'm dating Kendra doesn't mean I can't have a fine arts conversation on the phone with Lucy. That's what a fine arts conversation.

A: yeah that's That is um Derek Venturi. He is a connoisseur of the arts.

E: Yes.

A: I didn't write down the exact quote but when Derek like sits in the armchair to watch them practice ballet and then Lucy says like please don't do that and he I forget exactly what he said but I remember being like that is so creepy like like he said something like oh yes do you know wink wink and I'm like that is no thank you

A: Every once in a while, he has lines like that where there's there's a scene in the first season where Casey says, like, boys and girls are different, you know, and he says, yeah, I found that out on the fun or the fun way on the old couch.

M: Ooh!

A: And I'm like, this is a family channel show. Anyway, moving into episode two, it's our party. I'm going to summarize this real quickly for the sake of everyone's bedtime. Edwin and Lizzie are having a joint 13th birthday party because Nora and George, as we mentioned, kind of suck as parents and they skipped Lizzie's birthday. So they're doing a joint one and Casey and Derek are both going to miss the party. But then it's a total dud because they're hiding out in the closet. Casey has a date with Max where Derek taught her a bunch of fake football sh*t so she embarrasses herself she comes home early she tries to save the party she can't so then she calls Derek and is like someone's dying so he misses the last period of the hockey game to come back and they collectively save the party and that's about it like they dance they have fun. I really just was like, this is a wholesome episode and we get some real Edwin and Lizzie action. And that's why I assigned it for y'all because I feel like they're the unsung heroes of this series, lowkey

J: Absolutely. Absolutely.

M: Yeah. Yeah.

E: Yeah, the other children are significantly more interesting and and more fun than Derek and Casey.

A: Yes.

M: Can, can we talk for a minute about having a quote unquote, dancing party? The theme of the party is dancing.

J: Yep.

A: and they sit around like it's church camp.

E: Yeah

M: But also like, you know, you remember being 12 or 13. exciting to go to a party that has boys and girls. If someone said, we're having a dancing party, I don't, a bowling party. Sure. I'm going to go to the bowling alley. I'm going to have some fries. Uh, they said like a paintball party. Yeah. We're gonna go shoot some people with paint. A dancing party at someone's house. I'm immediately not sure what's going to happen.

A: Can I just say I would know it would be a dud the minute I heard the gerund the ING?

M: Dancing.

E: dancing 

A: Yeah

E:yeah we're gonna do some dancing it's gonna be a great time 

A: it's not a dance party. It's a dancing party. i I remember doing some dancing at birthday parties when I was this age, but those were girls only parties and we were playing only the best bops, you know?

M: Yeah. I also don't think, so this is the 13th birthday, correct?

E: Yeah.

M: I don't think I've ever seen 13 year olds, so many 13 year olds, dance by outstretching their arms and holding each other's hands and waving them like this. Like I...

A: I don't know what y'all did up north, but we were grinding when we were 13.

J: Oh Yeah. Yeah.

A: We were throwing ass.

M: We were trying to start a fire with friction.

A: We were doing slvt drops.

E: Yeah, we were not saving room for Jesus. ah This was not that was not the move. Yeah, I've never seen so many people farmer in the Dell style dance like it's it's a bit much. I do like that Liz says like they the kids are judged by the quality of their birthday parties because they absolutely were to a point. I think 13 is probably when like maybe the last couple of ones that people really cared what kind of the party was. But when you were in like grades like four to six, that sh*t mattered. Like if you had the cool birthday party that bumped you up a hundred percent.

A: I'm so glad you've said this, Evan, because I've been writing a coming of age novel for the last seven years and it um the entire start of it is I need to have the best birthday party every year because this is what matters and in school and what you get judged on.

E: It's true.

M: It's very true.

E: I remember having a birthday party the same weekend as some other kid 

A: Oh no

E: I got to have a laser quest party. Like I did like the laser tag and I don't remember what he did because people went to mine and not his. And so I, yeah, I don't know. I'm sure he's successful now. Probably not. I mean, that's a bad track to be on when I totally dunked on you in the fourth grade, but it really helped.

M: he's just like He's just like living in the sewers now. His life's never been the same.

E: Probably, he's one of the mole people. It's great.

A: But speaking of birthdays, the starting off strong with Edwin's Bar Mitzvah comment, or or George says it, i that felt very, very of the time. Just because you're 13 doesn't mean you can have a Bar Mitzvah.

E: Yeah, we're not Jewish.

A: I also am so mad that they didn't give Lizzie a birthday party. I know I already mentioned it, but I just like because they were too tired from the wedding.

J: From the wedding.

A: Like how selfish do you need to be?

J: Also, Lizzie is the most selfless person of this family. I feel like she goes along for the ride. She's very supportive. She listens to everyone's sh*t all the time. like She is such a team player. For them to not give her a birthday feels like the rudest thing they could do.

M: And also the fact that the joint birthday party, it's not like the parents were like, oh man, we miss Lizzie's birthday. Edwin's is coming up. Let's do something to celebrate them both. The kids thought of this idea and the parents were like, yeah, I guess that's fine.

E: Also, if you forget a child's birthday, you don't lump it into the next child's birthday. Well, you know, Edwin's got one coming up, so we'll just push his a couple months early. No, you give Liz her own birthday party.

A: It only worked out because the number one Lizzie supporter in that house is Edwin.

M: Is Edwin

E: It's true.

A: I love their relationship. And that is a sibling relationship.

E: Yes.

A: So so y'all weren't dancing at birthday parties? Were you kissing at birthday parties when you were 13?

E: God, what grade is?

A: Because that was another big part of this episode.

M: I was not. I was not.

E: I was

M: I was ah was late to the kissing scene.

E: Cool guy alert. 

A: I'm sorry what?

E: Well, no, I I had my first kiss at a 13 at a birthday party. Yeah. ah Yeah, I remember. Yeah, that tracks.

M: Are you, are you making this up?
E: God, it it feels it's 20 years ago, so I don't know. Maybe I'm misremembering, but no, it was definitely at a birthday party. But I will also say it was a birthday party I was not invited to.

J: Oh!

A: You crashed a birthday party when you were 13?

E: It was I was messaged on MSN to come crash a birthday party. And so my friend and I did. And Mallory, I'll tell you the story with names when we're done recording.

A: And you got your first kiss.

E: I did.

A: Wow.

M: Yeah, no.

E: But that was like a piece of the birthday party plan. You know what I mean? Like it wasn't like the party goes like this. There's dancing and then there's kissing and then there's cake. Like that wasn't part of the itinerary.

A: It was a spontaneous...consensual...

E: Absolutely.

A: Was it like a spin the spin the bottle or so or like a game at all? Or was it just like?

E: It was literally I was messaged that one of the girls at the party thought I was cute and I should come over and then that girl kissed me when I got to the party

J: Oh 

E: which she she did ask. So, you know, 

A: Wow

E: consent is a good thing.

J: Wow. Kind of balls.

A: 13-year-old Evan had some rizz.

J: Yeah

E: I did not. I simply existed.

M: The last few weeks on our podcast, we've somehow keep accidentally dissecting like Evan's dating life in middle school. it's truly incredible.

E: I had two moves. I will i will tell them, one was that I realized that girls liked the notebook. I liked the notebook. I would tell girls that I would watch the notebook with them and they thought that they're like, this is the most emotionally intelligent boy in the world.

A: Absolutely, yeah.

E: So therefore I should hang out with him. The other was going onto someone's Myspace, figuring out what bands were in their top eight, going to those bands, not picking their most popular song, but picking like the third most popular song and putting that as my Myspace song and then being like, oh my God, you like Silverstein too? That's crazy. and And then that was the move.

A: I hate how badly the second one would have worked on both me and Jess.

J: Oh, it would have worked. I was just going to say that. I'm like, honestly, that was really clever. Good on you.

E: This has been universal and it's like people be like, oh sh*t, that would have worked on me.

A: The first one would not have

E: No 

A: because even at a young age, I would have been like, he doesn't like the notebook. He's just saying that because he thinks girls will like him if he likes the notebook.

M: He also legitimately does like the notebook.

E: I do like the notebook a lot.

A: I know, I know, but I would have thought that you didn't.

E: Yeah, you're like suspicious.

M: Yes. You'd be suspicious, yeah.

A: Yeah, but the music one, 100% would have worked.

J: Also to know that you couldn't pick the most popular one.

E: Can't pick the most popular song.

A: Yeah.

E: That's crazy.

A: He was like, I'm no basic bitch.

E: Yeah, you can't pick the most popular one. That's that's obvious.

A: Well, there is lots of kissing and fear in this because Derek's like, you're going to kiss. And Edwin's like, I've never kissed what is scared. And so he gets found in the closet kissing Marti's little...

J: Sir Monk's a lot.

A: monkey stuffed 

M: Sir?

A: yes his name is sir monks a lot which leads to a dumb scene where he's like your monkey's a boy and i was like all right all right we've taken it too far it's a stuffed animal no matter what edwin and it's not even wearing pants 

M: yep 

A: I also really loved when Marti was um reading of a picture book to everyone 

M: Yes

A: in a circle.

M: And like, and like asking for input. She was doing, she was reading like a librarian.

A: Yeah,

J: She really was.

A: she a star she's When you say that she's the most self-sufficient, I think that's just because she lives in her own world entirely.

M: She's a little delulu.

E: Yeah.

A: She's a lot, delulu.

E: She's got the best idea for getting the party started though. She's like, I'll just read to these kids. They love books, right?

A: Yeah.

E: Cause like, I have a question. What was the orange game that they were trying to do?

J: Oh, we need to talk about this.

A: That wasn't the next note. The necking game?

E: I did not catch Is that what they called it?

A: Yes.

J: That's what they called it.

E: Oh

M: Evan, did you never play that one at like... 

A: What?

M: did we never play it at like SAC camp or something?

A: You played that?

E: Oh god, and I don't remember that at all.

M: no? Oh okay.

J: Did you play this game?

M: it's like, yeah, I've played that game, but like it's in like a similar vein to like suck and blow.

A: Yeah, that's an adult game.

M: Like, I'm really hoping everyone everyone knows what that game is as well.

A: We know what suck and blow is, but that's an adult game.

M: Right

A: That's a clueless, you can play it to make out.

M: Yeah. But also too, like, if I were Casey thinking, I'd be like, hey, maybe the the people that like, the 13 year olds don't want to grab an orange from their neck would be the five year old or the dad. They were like the two at the end of the line. It's like maybe maybe we should have done this in a different order.

E: Also, like the the kids clearly don't want to like go near each other. It's like, hey, first interaction should be taking this orange off of another person's neck.

A: Yeah, that's what I was going to say is if I were Casey, I would think, oh, these 13-year-olds want to get as far away from each other as possible.

M: I think the strategy should have been to take one of the folding chairs, arranged in a semicircle for some inexplicable reason, and ah turn it around and sit on it backwards

E: Yeah 

M: to do some like real talk with everybody. You just turn it around, you put your arms on the top. Hey guys, 

E: Let's rap

M: let's break it down.

E: I think the reason it was in a semicircle is because they were going to do an intervention later and they just didn't want to rearrange. And so they were like, hey, we got to talk to Edwin about the monkey stuff. And so we're going to keep these chairs.

M: yeah We got to talk to Edward about the bowling shirts.

E: Not The bowling shirts.

A: Not the...You leave my man in his Hawaiian shirts alone. Yeah, also just for filming reasons, but it's so lazy. The semicircle.

E: Yeah.

M: Yeah, i get I get the idea maybe they like they wanted to create the dance floor. also for a dance party, no ambiance. A dance party's gotta be in the basement. You gotta shut some lights out. You gotta have one of those, like, little strobe-y things.

J: There's no decorations.

M: There's no music for a while.

J: Yeah

M: Like, I don't know what you thought people were gonna dance to. There's no music playing.

A: Are we really surprised that Nora and George suck?

M: No, but...

E: They're like, we put out crudités. Why aren't they dancing?

M: children love crudités.

J: yeah

A: And also, just no chairs. Like, they dance or sit your ass on the floor

M: yeah 

A: respectfully.

M: I I also did like the one kid who asked to go home and Casey said, no one's going home until you're having fun!

E:Yeah, we're turning this into a hostage situation.

A: Yeah, yeah we are no longer there with consent. I'm also just like brief intermission to the dance party. I'm really confused about this closet door and I need to ask, do we think it has a lock?

J: So here's where I'm confused is there are times that we see that it does not have a lock

A: Yes

J: but then when they go to the outside to like jiggle it, it's locked. They can't get in.

A: But then there's times where like Derek just goes right up and opens it.

J: I know.

A: So. What is going on?

M: It's like a room of requirement type situation where it's locked when you need it to be locked and it's open when you need it to be open.

E: if there's one person I believe in this family would randomly have all of the keys, it's definitely Derek 

M: Yeah

E: over either of the parents.

J: That's true

E: he's just like, Oh, they're they're locked in the closet here. I've got, I've got that key on my chain here, my chain wallet.

A: That is true. I just really needed help because I was very confused by that.

M: I'm more confused by the fact that they're able to fill that whole closet with games and not like towels. Like they're a family of what, seven? Like where are your linens? Where are your cleaning supplies?

A: I think they have another closet for that.

E: They have not changed their sheets since they moved in.

M: there's not that much space.

A: And also I've never seen them play a board game.

M: Yes!

J: Yeah!

A: Did anyone else recognize the actor that played Jamie 

M: Yes!

A: or am I just like demented in my brain?

M: No, he's the guy from Atypical, right?

A: Yeah, yeah.

M: Yeah.

A: Keir Gilchrist, who plays the lead in Atypical. Because this is a thing where Jess's, like, borderline face blindness, like, you would have to tell her that an actor is in a movie for her to recognize him. She would never recognize him of her own accord. Whereas I watched this episode and I was, like, from the bat, I knew I knew Jamie. And I've only seen him in Atypical and then before the episode was done, I knew who it was without having to look it up.

M: yeah that ah ah Evan and I are are very much in the Amanda vein here where we're like, hey, wasn't that guy in like a season three episode of Seinfeld?

E: in that thing. Yeah.

J: No. The amount of time Amanda's like, that was blah blah blah. And I'm like, would have never known. Would have never.

E: Just, huh, that's cool.

J: Also like, good thing I'm the person living in l LA because I'm sure I see people all the time and I am just completely oblivious. I don't know who anyone is.

E: Jess just cutting Harrison Ford off in traffic.

M: That was Danny DeVito.

E: I just realized, I just learned, look, I just looked up Keir Gilchrist quickly to be like, Oh yeah, like that guy. He's a vocalist for a grind core band as well as being an actor.

M: Oh damn.

E: He's actually a vocalist for a grind core band and a different death metal band.

A: Well, that's something for Jess to look up when we're done recording.

J: Yeah, I'm like, actually, this sounds like someone I should know.

E: Yeah. People contain multitudes.

A: I mean, Jess, you've seen atypical.

J: I have, yes.

A: Yeah, yeah, he's the lead.

J: Which honestly still, I'm like, who was Jamie? What did Jamie like?

A: Jamie's the kid. So um also for anyone listening, cause like, I forgot we're not just having a Kiki. Jamie is one of their classmates who like kind of has a crush on Lizzie and she kind of has a crush on him and all of their other classmates are teasing them that like they're boyfriend girlfriend, but like it's not confirmed, but yeah.

M: Everyone in the house keeps referring to him as Lizzie's special friend

A: Yes.

J: Oh

M: which is 100% something that my grandma has used to describe one of my male friends before. That's ah like 100% she's done that.

A: which also I just want to point out the bravery of these core little 13 year olds because we have a boring bland dance floor of kids sitting around as we've mentioned not wanting to touch each other look at each other they want to go home and Edward and Lizzie who have locked themselves in a closet for the last hour dance in front of everyone, and then the kid that's getting bullied for maybe liking Lizzie gets up and cuts into the dance. Like, all three of them. That is way more bravery than I ever had when I was 13, or now.

M: And she also says to him when he cuts in, she goes, yeah, let's give him something to talk about.

A: Yeah!

M: And then they dance like this. Like marionettes.

A: I walked four blocks, which is nothing in New York, it's four minutes, to a good will to donate some stuff that I've been needing to donate. And i part of why I haven't done it in so long is because I'm self-conscious walking down the block holding bags of my own stuff. Like, I am so shy for them to just be like, I'm going to be surrounded by my peers and dance like an idiot? Applause.

M: Yeah 

E: Like you think this is gonna be somebody who's just like oh yeah there goes the bag lady after you do that They're like bag lady's back

A: Girl, I got Taco Bell the other day and I was like, I need to hide this in my bag. I don't, I don't even like people seeing me with a cup because like they're all New Yorkers and they're going to be judging me for getting f*cking Taco Bell. I don't know. It's just, I'm sick in the head.

M: I feel like on the bag lady scale in New York, you're ranking pretty low.

E: Yeah, this is gonna be.

A: Oh yeah yeah.

J: Agreed

M: Like

A: I know. I just, this is why I needed to start therapy today. 

E: Like if you if you do that where I live, like it's a town of 50,000 people, like you quickly be like, oh, there's the bag lady. Like very quickly, they'd be like, yep, there she is. Like growing up where mallory and I grew up, there was a penny lady.

M: yes. oh, i forgot about the penny lady.

A: What makes one a penny lady?

E: She would just walk around collect looking for pennies.

M: yeah.

E: She would go on walks all day every day looking for loose change on the ground.

M: yeah. parking lots, roads, parks, school parking lot.

E: she got banned from she got banned from her high school because people would throw change at her 

J: oh my god

E: because children are the meanest people 

J: that's so mean

M: was it it was it her granddaughter or her niece that went to the school?

E: it was her niece 

A: I'm assuming she wasn't penny specific. You just called her that.

E: any change any change you had she bought a microwave with her change I remember somebody asked her one time like what she'd gotten she'd managed to find enough money to get a microwave and I was like hey damn that's pretty good

M: It's pretty good.

A: You're not even supposed to like...strip clubs are great in Canada because you can't get lower than a five because you can't throw coins at someone.

E: Oh no, you can you can make it hail. 

M: Yeah

E: You can absolutely make it hail.

A: I think it I think it's province specific. I think in BC you're not allowed to throw coins at them.

E: Boo.

M: There's some that use like cones to catch coins and stuff.

A: Oh, yeah, no, I went I went to one in BC and they didn't have any coins. It was or cones.

E: it's like when a It's like when a dog has surgery, they like put it around the neck. 

M: It's so heavy. She's full of coins.

J: And then just throw them in.

A: and also they're fully nude strip clubs like and just so and I'm sorry it's an upsetting image in my brain and we have to go back to talking about this family channel show 

E: Essentially, she'd walk out looking like the Pixar lamp, so continue.

A: any other notes before we get into the dasey scale

M: No, just that i I don't wish this party on anybody.

E: No

M: Also, sorry, we we also didn't talk about the whole subplot of ah Derek teaching Casey about football to impress Max and he just teaches her a bunch of nonsense. Like you have to score like six fling flongs and then the it starts off with the groin kick and she, a very admittedly very smart girl, never clues in that any of that is wrong.

A: I think that adds to my dasey suspicion sometimes because I'm like, why are you so naive in these moments where you know that he's being a f*cking idiot?

J: also how do you not like I understand I would consider myself someone that knows nothing about football but I know basic terms like you would be able to know at that age that he's just talking out of his ass I don't care how much of a not a sports person you are

A: You know, nothing's called a fling flong.

J: yeah 

M: Yeah, you're totally right. She's talking with her mom later. She's like, I don't know why I listened to Derek. And her mom goes, yeah, like, that was stupid. Like, yeah, why did you do that?

E: Yeah, my stepson's an idiot. But also, you go to the football games, and like if you score a touchdown, like there's usually an announcer who'll be like, touchdown! And she'll be like, whoa, where's the fling flongs? 

J: yeah

M: I did like when she asked if two quarterbacks equal a halfback.

A: I really liked that. That one felt like a genuine question. 

E: That was pretty good.

A: I and also I did breeze over the note that Jessa had initially of like, Max comes in at the end of the episode and is like, I assumed you were lying because you liked me. And like, is that a good foundation for a relationship?

J: No

E: I love that you'll fundamentally change things about yourself to suit my needs. That sounds cool.

M: I mean, nothing suns up a high school relationship more than that, so.

A: Yeah, honestly, I fall- I would kind of, I would be like, oh, well, you they were just trying to impress me, like, because they like me, you know?

M: I I didn't mention in the first episode, I had the biggest crush on Max

A: oh yeah 

M: the entire time that the show was on the air.

J: Oh yeah.

M: like

A: He's, he's a cutie. I get it.

M: And like even now, like everything he's been in.

A: He also has barely aged.

M: Yes.

E: Yeah, he looks exactly the same.

A: I'm assuming y'all have seen that clip of him also where he's being like yelled at by, I want to say a BuzzFeed interviewer about life with Derek 

E: oh yeah

M: yeah

A: and how he's partially responsible for being a cast member. And he was like, I also wanted them to be together. Like, I don't know what to tell you.

M: Yeah!

E: Also, in terms of him showing up at the end, I wrote in my notes that like, surprise, Max is at the door. I wrote this before the doorbell. 

A: of course

E: Max is coming.

M: and also does not look like he played any football that day.

J: No!

M: He looks fresh as a dasey, nice and clean, his hair has gel in it, like it's...

A: fresh from the shower. Gotta look good for his girl.

E: Yeah, I was gonna say you shower post game

M: yeah apparently.

A: dasey scale.

J: dasey scale. So I gave it a two out of 10 because the like whole at the end when they're like, Oh my God, we can't work together. We hate each other. Oh my God. Look, we made the party successful. Like that whole moment is why I gave it a two out of 10.

A: I kind of agree. I just have to ask the question, is lying about a death in the family giving you sibling energy or wife behavior? Because to me, I was like, that's kind of giving like toxic married couple like.

M: I don't know, I got more like, ah need to get out of my university exam.

E: Okay. Yeah. Mallory, what'd you give it on the dasey scale?

M: I put this as like a one or two. um If that other episode was like a three or four, I put this as a one or two. I definitely felt it was less, less tense.

E: I gave it a two strictly for a line we haven't talked about yet, which is earlier on Derek says you can suck the fun out of anything into a way that in a way to casey, I was like, all right. Dial it back. Okay. You put a little, you put the emphasis on the wrong words in that sentence there, dog. So let's.

M: You can suck the fun.

E: Yeah. Like there was a pause and I was like, okay.

A: This is a great time to get into quotes, though

M: yeah 

A: I wanted to shout out the first one I wrote down, which Derek telling Marti what a tween is. A tween is a freaky, stinky, half-teen, half-kid mutant. And, like, that's just so real. And, like, I'm so sorry to Mallory and ah potentially Evan, if you ever want to be a breeder, I don't know. Jess and I don't, so, like...

E: A breeder?

A: Jess and I don't partake in the breeder community, nor do we have any desire to.

J: Yep

A: So like shout out to y'all who are gonna have to live with tweens.

E: I will say when all the tweens show up for the party, I was like, I wrote, this is my worst nightmare.

J: Yeah

E: If 12 tweens showed up in my door, I would be like, oh, like this is the end of me.

J: yeah we give George and Nora a hard time as we should. However, I'm like, if I were them, I also would be like, I can't do anything to help this party. I need someone else to take care of it, like.

M: Did those kids carpool? Cause like 12 of them showed at the same time.

E: The city bus system in London, Ontario is outstanding. Shout out to Grand River Transit.

M: Yeah, I mean that showing up and teaching that many tweens is is what what I've done for the last little bit and Yeah, depending on the day, sometimes it's a good day, sometimes you go home feeling very bad about yourself.

A: Oh yeah.

J: Yeah.

A: There's also a cute one where Derek is saying, you know, my no hugging policy and Jess.

J: Goes, ah, it's your policy, not mine. Who was it, Edwin?

A: Yes. I was like, and Jess, and you said goes. I'm like, you didn't say it.

J: well No, yeah Edwin goes, it's your policy, not mine. It was very cute.

A: Yeah, and then they hugged. Yeah.

M: I can see Edwin being a hugger.

A: Yeah. And then the last one I wrote down is, you know girls mature faster than boys. Boys mature? When? I wish I knew. Which is between Casey and Lizzie. She's like, girl, I don't know. They just say it.

M: Yeah.

E: I think like 45. Like

A: So you're like not there yet 

E: no 

M: Evan will let us know when it happens.

E: I'll get there one day.

A: yeah, let us know send us a message 

J: We'll report back

E: yeah

A: So episode six, The Bully Brothers. 

J: little background football team hockey team in a prank war

A: This is important. Surprise, surprise.

J: It's important. While all of that is happening, Derek realizes that Edwin has a bully because he comes home with food all over his clothes and then he stays home from school pretending to be sick. And he tells Edwin to stand up for himself. So instead of doing that, Edwin has Lizzie stand up for him. And later on, yeah, with her judo. And then later on, Derek teaches Edwin to fight with like pillows

A: Pillows, yeah.

J: Yeah so then Edwin goes to school he stands up to his bully Ronnie except he comes home with a black eye which Of course is upsetting, so Derek calls Ronnie on the phone and he's like back off, which causes Ryan who is on the football team and Derek's age and Derek's old bully to show up at their front door and threaten to fight him. So at school, Derek's avoiding Ryan and Sam is like trying to protect him, but he's not doing a very good job at all. And then Max is like, guys, you need to lay off Derek. Like this prank war thing's gotten a little out of control. also while all of this is happening with Ryan and Derek gonna fight at school, Edwin finally opens up to Nora and George and tells him that he's been bullied at school. And so they call Ronnie's parents and Ronnie is forced to come over and apologize to Edwin. And at school, Derek runs into Ryan. Max tries to stop them from fighting, but then Casey interrupts and is like yelling and pointing at him to the point that he gets him. She gets him pushed into a locker. And so he kind of gives up. He's like, I'm not going to fight Derek. This is not worth it. And that's our episode.

A: And I really needed to talk about this with y'all because it's so 2007, is it not?

M: yeah a classic premise 

E: I really thought high school was gonna be a lot more bullying. 

A: Right?

E: Based on what I've watched on TV, I was like, people are gonna push me in lockers.

A: Lowkey I watched this and was like, do kids even get bullied anymore?

M: Evan spent most of grade nine just standing beside an open locker looking at the grade 12s being like uh uh uh 

A: Just waiting to get pushed in

E: That's right

M: no ah no no takers 

A: You're not worth it.

E: I'm not

M: Woah

A: Sorry, I I didn't mean it. It was a quote. It was a quote Yeah

E: the main thing I want to talk about is near the end. So Casey essentially intervenes to make sure that Derek doesn't get destroyed 

J: yeah 

E: by this very big, very generically dressed bully.

A: The fridge the oversized fridge from the football team 

E: the oversized fridge with, of course, this football jacket on, obviously, he agrees not to fight him and says, I pity you for having to live with her. And at that moment, I was like, Derek, punch him in the face. It'd be so romantic. It'd be so romantic. The dasey sail would have shot to the moon.

M: My hero.

E: Yeah, exactly.

A: That's so funny to me because me watching that I was like lowkey me too. I wouldn't want to live with her either

E: And they start bonding, they're like, bro, same.

M: I think, I think in that instant, though, I think Derek has a ah respect and appreciation for Casey, because even though she did it really annoyingly, she got the job done. And I think I think he appreciates that he's never going to tell her he's never going to give her credit for it. But in her own Casey way, she managed to resolve the situation.

J: As she always does, honestly.

M: yeah

A: Yeah, I feel like everyone grew a lot of respect for Casey in that moment and she was just like showing what she's always had.

J: Mmhmm.

A: She was just taking care of business.

J: I need to get into the high school hockey team of it all. This is a throwback to our last episode where there was a hockey themed episode and if they won a game, they were going to go to Sweden. And we were like, what in the Canada is this? Like, why is there a hockey team? And why are they getting to go to Sweden for winning a game? And we determined it was intramural hockey and it couldn't possibly be a high school hockey team. But now clearly it is a high school hockey team.

A: I don't know that it's clear he could be doing both.

J: That's true, that's true. that He could be in both, but there is a high school hockey team. Did your guys' high schools have hockey teams?

E: Oh yeah.

A: And did they go to Sweden?

M: So our our high school was in a weird position because So many of the people at our high school played like junior a or triple-a hockey And when you're playing on one of those teams, you're not allowed to play for like a school or rec league team. so we didn't have a boys hockey team because there were so many of them that were playing like higher level junior hockey anyways but we had a girls team who was absolutely incredible and destroyed every other school every year 

E: Do you know the other reason we didn't have a boys hockey team? 

M: oh no it's i already know it's a bad reason 

E: Yeah, we got suspended because we had a bench a bench clearing brawl 

M: good old donnie brook

E: like years before, so they stopped letting us have a team because we were complete jerks.

J: Oh my God.

A: That's just what hockey's for!

J: Yeah

M: I just thought it was because there was like a conflict of interest with all the guys that played like actual hockey.

E: No, they I think we got suspended like years before we even got to high school. And then they opened it for the last time when we were in grade 12, I think is when they actually allowed a ah ah boys hockey team again. And we're all like, Oh, cool. And we learned that the reason was because we had been suspended from like league play. But no, nobody went to Sweden. Like the team that would go to Sweden is like the competitive like triple A that you're on outside of hockey that would go to Sweden. Like the closest you're going here is like, Oh, a tournament in Ingersoll. That's cool.

A: ah Well but that's kind of what I was thinking because I played like, okay, not the same thing, but I played soccer in school and I also played soccer in a rec league and there were varying levels of competitive like leagues you could try out for. So I was like, he's known for being on a really good team. Like obviously he plays at school, but he could also play in a league that could be going to Sweden.

M: Yeah. Yeah, I think Evan's totally right that ah there's no way a school team is going to Sweden. That's, it's way too much of a commitment. A community team, definitely a school team, they they wouldn't be able to pull it off.

J: But hockey teams in high school is normal.

M: Yeah.

E: Very much so.

A: Oh, yeah. I don't know why that was a question, Jess. Come on.

J: We don't have that on the west coast. I know it's a thing on the east coast, but we don't have high school hockey teams.

A: Well, this is East Coast, Canada.

J: Sure.

M: Both Evan and I also went to universities that did not have football teams but had big hockey teams.

E: Yep.

J: That makes sense.

A: Yeah, that makes sense. You know what's funny? Our high school had a lot of teams. Our football teams sucked. People still went to the games for like the who, hurrah, whatever.

E: The vibes.

J: Yeah, the vibes.

A: Yeah, but the teams that did really, really well 

J: Badminton 

A: were badminton and water polo.

E: love that

J: Badminton f*cking crushed our team was amazing

A: It was hard to get on that team.

J: Yeah

M: You had a water polo team?

J: Yeah.

A: Yeah, we had an Olympic sized diving pool.

J: Our high school had 4000 people. It really would take a long time to get.

A: in a square mile campus.

M: I'm sorry, that's way more puzzling than a school having a hockey team.

E: Our our high school used to be a box factory.

M: really?

A: Our high school was built to be like a community college, if y'all know what that is

E: oh sh*t okay yeah 

A: yeah, but then they decided to make it a public high school instead. And then after we graduated, they realized that they couldn't keep funding it. So now it's like a bunch of charter schools.

M: 4,000 kids at a high school is mind boggling to us.

E: too many.

A: But it also meant that we had like no bullying, no popularity, nothing. Cause also we had no hallways. It was a square mile campus. 

J: Yeah

A: And like, you don't know half the people that even go to your school.

J: Yeah.

A: Like you don't see them every day.

J: There's no cliques 

A: We had a seven minute passing period cause it was so far away.

E: Oh, my God.

M: that's This is mind boggling.

J: Yeah. And if you had gym and then you had to go to theater, you were literally in those seven minutes, I'm not even joking, like f*cking running.

A: sprinting.

J: Cause you're like, I'm not going to make it to class in time. Like.

E: Meanwhile, we, we had like an, like there's one little all glass hallway under the entrance that people would sit there and like just antagonize grade nines. Like that was just a thing they did for fun.

M: yeah that's how you'd spend like your lunch break because you'd sit in the breezeway and a grade nine would walk by you'd be like nice shoes 

J: oh my god

A: Evan, did you sit there waiting for someone to comment on your shoes?

E: Absolutely

A: And did anyone ever?

E: Never. Not once.

M: little old me. And my new shoes

E: Yeah. Those mean people.

A: on this vein, do do you think the high school, it's realistic for the high school sports teams to have this kind of rivalry of like the football versus the hockey team and them at this prank war?

M: I don't think so because we never had that many sports running concurrently. Like everything had a season 

E: yeah

M: and most people played on multiple teams.

A: yeah

M: So like 80% of the boys basketball team was also the boys football team. So if there was any rivalry, it's it's just them against themselves.

E: yeah

M: It would be like friend groups might do that, but not the sports teams.

E: But also I'd like to make sure that everyone knows, um, so partway through the episode, Derek opens the front door and gets hit with water balloons and gets called hockey head. Not an insult in any, any part of Canada.

A: No, that's that's if anything, it's like, a nice, like, it's like an OBE, you know, it's like, something you're awarded as like, you're so Canadian.

E: you can have hockey hair. 

M: Yeah

E: You can't have hockey head.

A: for context though, because this is the question that we haven't asked. Where y'all are from, how does it compare in size and demographics to London, Ontario?

E: in terms of size, we are about about a third of the size of London, maybe a little, maybe a little less, but we're also part of, we lived in a city that had like two other cities right nearby and combined they're bigger than London. Um, but we lived in the smallest of those three cities. I also lived in London, but all those only for a couple of years. 

M: This show very easily could have been life with Evan.

E: That's right.

J: It could have been.

E: That's right. I was in elementary school when it happened. I would 

A: Wow, so really, it really could have been.

E: Really could have been, except I would have been Edwin. Like that would have been the vibe.

M: Yeah. evwin

E: Evwin.

A: You know, the actor that plays Edwin said he was like the true middle child because there were like three to five years between him and the actress that played Lizzie and also Michael and Ashley were way older than him. So it was just like him and the crew.

E: Just hanging out.

M: and his bowling shirts.

A: Yeah, he was like, I'm just going to learn.

J: bowling shirts 

A: He also said it was a very, very Canadian production in that, yeah, Disney Channel gone on board and gave us more money, but it was still a family channel show, which I feel like really shows.

E: Oh yeah. Yeah

M: yeah

A: our next note is what we mentioned. Marti is a queen. We love her.

J: The entire, um, Edwin has a black eye and he pretends it's eye shadow or makeup and Marti's like, well, you need to put some on the other eye. But then she ends up calling him out for having a black eye. I just, I loved her. She's just like so aware of everything and so like quick. And I know a lot of it is the writing, but, um, it's just great.

M: I forgot to mention it in the first episode, but where Marti's like mediating the debate between the McDonald's and the Venturis about whether they're going to go visit those like, quote unquote, new friends or whatever.

E: The Allens.

M: And she finishes it by going, uh, I think you need to figure it out yourselves like adults. Like she sat through this whole thing, just to read them like that. It's incredible.

A: Which is a subplot we completely left out of the summary because I was like, for time, it's not important, but.

M: We don't have time, but it's a good Marti moment. I just wanted to bring it up for that.

A: Absolutely.

E: She's the smartest person on this show. 

J: Yeah. Yeah.

E: I don't think that's hyperbole.

J: No, she is.

A: There's a whole episode where Edwin and Lizzie realize that Marti's getting spoiled because she has cute privilege and George goes way too easy on her. So he tries to like treat her with more boundaries and she gets upset. But then he sees George ground the other kids like Casey and Derek and she's like, why don't you ground me? And he's like, well, they're grown up. And she's like, I want to be treated like I'm grown up too. And so then he grounds her and she gets happy about it.

J: Oh my god.

A: like She's just so smart and intuitive and really um learns a lot from her older siblings. But also eats dinner under the table and meows like a cat.

M: Yeah, i I feel like she's the kind of kid you can tell that she had way older siblings. 

A: Yes

M: Like, I feel like with certain kids, that's obvious in some of the things that they say.

J: Yeah, also before it was like a blended family, the fact that like she was only raised by boys and men is very obvious as well.

A: You could have just stopped at boys.

M: She was raised by boys to men.

E: Oh, and she hits some sweet harmonies.

J: Yep.

M: Motown Marti's back again.

J: Okay, I have to go on to rant, but it's unrelated to what we were talking about.

M: Love it.

J: But there is this scene. where they are at lunch and Casey opens up her sandwich and she's like, oh, BLT, but no L and T, I must've grabbed Derek's lunch. And Max is like, that's okay, you can have half of mine. And she takes the whole thing, not half, takes the whole thing, opens it up, is upset on like whatever meats are in there, it's like pastrami, bologna and something else on those, some crazy combination.

A: It's a cold cut combo.

J: Yeah, she opens it up, she shakes out all the meat onto the table, closes the sandwich back up, and proceeds to just eat the bread. Casey, that is the rudest f*cking thing you've ever done. You had a sandwich, you could have dumped out the bacon and just ate the bread. Why did you do that? It's so mean. I was furious. I texted Amanda immediately. I was like, I can't believe you made me watch this scene. This is not okay.

A: literally all caps she like we try to not share thoughts on stuff that we're going to talk about in the podcast and all caps she messages me she's like i can't believe you just made me watch that that's the worst thing i've ever seen 

M: The desecration of a cold-cut combo.

A: Jess she did have half the sandwich he had the other half 

J: okay

E: Then that's a gigantic sandwich.

J: Yeah

A: it was like it was like a foot long yeah

J: okay okay that makes me feel slightly better but i still hate it

E: Imagine you're like somebody's like, I'm hungry. And you're like, well, here's something. And they just shake the rest of the sandwich out. Like like a loose briefcase. They're just like, yeah, here, shake down. I just want bread with meat juice on it.

J: Well, also it's like she sandwich. She could have done that with. Like, just dump out the bacon and eat the bread. Like, I don't understand.

M: I'm also baffled by the idea of a BLT without the L and T because a bacon sandwich is not a thing.

A: ah It's Derek.

M: like that's just not 

E: I've eaten a bacon sandwich before in my life.

A: Yeah, of course.

M: Who's just making bacon for sandwiches?

E: No, bacon is made for other things

A: boys

E: and then you have bacon after and you're like, well, this can go on bread.

M: who i don't i I guess I've never had leftover bacon.

J: that's fair

M: It's like when people are like, use your leftover cake to make cake pops before it goes stale, and I'm like, what do you mean leftover cake?

A: That's just cake.

M: That's just cake.

E: That means I bought a new cake.

M: Yeah.

A: I'm with you, Mallory. like i would I've never had a bacon sandwich and also I love a BLT because I think the L and the T, is like it's it balances the bacon so well. 

J+M: Yeah

A: But it does feel distinctly boy.

M: Yeah.

E: Yeah. That's a boy lunch. Be like, it's got all the main food groups, bread, bacon.

M: Probably butter.

E: That's it.

M: I'm I am with you there, Jess, though, that the shaking of the food that someone's given to you is the rudest thing.

J: it's so rude i just couldn't believe she had the audacity to do that i was like dang

A: Just hand it back.

J: if i was max i would have been like we are breaking up we are over i cannot be with someone who behaves like this 

E: I'm reporting each of the authorities.

J: literally

A: On the bullying note, this is my last note. At the end, Max is like, I didn't realize Ryan was that bad. I'll report him to the coach. For some reason, that felt unrealistic to me. Would a teenager really report him? Or would he just be like, eh, it's done?

J: He's huge.

M: I think it's something that a that a teacher would do, 

E: oh yeah

M: but not ah not a fellow student.

E: So so Max is the starting quarterback, right? That's what we've established. He's like the starting quarterback for the football team.

M: basically

A: Potentially, he's also the captain.

E: Ryan looks huge 

A: yeah

E: and therefore is probably a very valuable member of the offensive line. I don't think he is. He's like, if I report Ryan, I'm going to get hit more. And I think I'm going to just keep this close to the vest.

J: totally

M: You're like, oh man, I found out found out Travis Kelsey has like a side business betting on the football. I'm not telling anybody.

J: No

E: Just gonna keep that quiet. tell Taylor to tell him to knock it off, but other than that, keep quiet.

A: Were there any other standout things about this episode to y'all?

M: I just think it's a great trope. It's something I've seen that you've seen in other shows where it's like the younger sibling's having an issue so then you're calling in the older sibling. It makes me think of the recess episode where Vince is always like, yeah, like he's talking about his older brother and everyone's talking about how cool Vince's older brother is and then his older brother rolls up and he's just a total nerd. I love the idea of like calling in the older sibling as a reinforcement. I think that's a great trope.

E: Power move by Derek Tulsa just like call and threaten like a 13 year old.

J: I know.

A: I forgot he did that.

J: kind of crazy.

E: Just like you know what'll solve this if I verbally harass a child.

M: I'm just gonna Liam Neeson him on the phone.

A: I also really like that i I've, you know, a product of my time. I've seen a lot of bullying episodes. I don't know how many bullying episodes I've seen where in both instances, the girls handled it. Because both like with Edwin, Lizzie, Lizzie handled Ryan's younger brother 

J+M+E: Ronnie

A: Ronnie and then and then with Derek Casey steps in none of those none of those big athletic guys could do or small athletic guys could do anything.

M: And you know who had no part in handling any of this? Particularly the parents. I know Ronnie had to come over and apologize, but the parents did the least.

A: Yeah. George and Nora, I mean, they did have like call Ronnie's parents and that squashed it, but that wouldn't have had to happen if Derek hadn't trained Edwin to fight. You know Lizzie had it covered.

E: with his, with his blindfolded Taekwondo using pillows

A: Which, by the way, resulted in one of those very dramatic lamp or vase-breaking scenes that 

E: Which is not mentioned 

A: never

E: ever again

A: George and Nora did not care.

J: No.

M: There was somebody in our community buy and sell group who posted that they were selling, and I quote, homemade karate lessons

E: What

M: which is what I feel like this was.

J: Yeah

A: A what?

E: Homemade karate lessons.

M: homemade karate, $10, great bargain. um

A: We love a bargain.

M: We love a, we love a bar goon. But yeah, I feel like this was very much if I paid $10 for homemade karate, this is what I was getting.

E: Oh yeah.

J: yeah Absolutely.

A: our dasey scale, Jess?

J: I gave it a four out of 10 for Casey at the end when she's like, I can't always be around to protect you. And that that made it a four.

M: I also had a four, I feel like the ending of this episode did most of the heavy lifting for that.

J: Yeah.

M: Also something about her like getting very like in his face, like the particular way that she got in his face feels very like, I was gonna say mama bear, but that's not the relationship we're going for, but it's very territorial. It's very territorial.

A: Girlfriends can be mama bear sometimes.

E: That's true. 

M: yeah 

E: I went five, I think all the same thing. It's, it's all the, it's all the end of the, of the episode. He still should have punched, punched him out. and It would have been so romantic. It would have just been, 

A: Yeah, that would have shot this up to a seven.

E: that's right.

J: at least

M: And then he scoops her up and walks her over the threshold.

E: But also like even just Derek saying, thank you. I was like, look at you saying, thank you accessing the most basic of feelings.

A: Not our Derek Venturi.

E: Yeah, Derek doesn't pay for any like advanced feelings. He only has like the basic package and he's like, I can say I can say thank you. That's fine.

A: He got the basic Sims, but none of the, none of the expansion packs.

E: No expansion packs, none.

A: yeah quotes...

J: quotes I wrote down one from Sam when they're talking about the rivalry he goes I've been doing push-ups and drinking milk okay chocolate milk but it still counts and it just felt such teenage boy like to be like I was drinking milk it was chocolate milk but you know 

M: And were you guys subject to big milk growing up?

A: Yes!

J: oh yeah 

A: We're American! 

J: Peak 

A: We invented big milk! We- our government owns cheese caves! You don't know about that?

E: I do know about the cheese caves.

A: Okay.

E: I've i've learned about the cheese caves. Mallory Do you not know about the American cheese caves?

M: This feels like we don't have the appropriate amount of time to delve into what a cheese cave is. I've got homework now. I'm gonna go find out what a cheese cave is.

A: No, we really don't. We really don't.

E: But no, like when we were growing up, we, there was this long push of like chocolate milk is like the best thing you can have after a workout.

M: Yeah.

E: It came out for years. There was like the best thing you can have after a workout 

J: Chocolate milk?

E: is specifically chocolate milk.

J: Huh.

E: And I don't know who they paid for this branding, but they were like, listen, we gotta, we gotta to pump up chocolate milk numbers. So Sam's also spreading the good word.

J: Yeah.

M: But it's the same way that they were like, hey, the kids are having pizza day, we got to balance this out with a healthy drink, chocolate milk.

E: yeah

J: yeah 

A: We had milk, big milk, but 

J: not chocolate milk 

A: not really like kids were into chocolate milk, but it wasn't pushed on us as much as we demanded it. 

M: I would say that was one of like the top three cafeteria drinks in high school was chocolate milk. Easy. 

E: Oh, yeah.

A: Oh, yeah. I really enjoyed another Sam and Derek quote, where one of them says, if it makes you feel better, he's a friendly enemy, like a frenemy. And I was like, not you inventing the word frenemy.

E: So ahead of your time.

A: But you know that it was invented before.

E: Oh, yeah.

A: Also, real quick, there's a moment where Casey grabs Derek and she pulls him into the girl's restroom and then they leave because all the girls scream. And she goes, we need to talk. And he goes, you need to cut your nails. She's just like, fingers gripping the arm.

E: He also, the sighting comes out of the bathroom and goes, you guys have soap in there.

A: yeah

E: Which is unfortunately kind of accurate.

M: a great detail

A: And concerning nonetheless.

E: Yup.

M: a great detail

E: Why did, why did the pandemic spread? Well, there's no soap in men's washrooms.

A: Would you use it if there was?

E: There...Yeah.

M: evan would derek wouldn't

E: Yeah.

J: No, Derek would not.

A: any other things y'all have for that episode?

E: I'm gonna start calling people hockey head. It's going to catch on.

M: Yeah, it's it's not my favorite Canadian insult, but it's got potential.

E: Oh, should we teach them Canadian insults?

A: that segues perfect into our final little thing for y'all is we wanted to discuss some Canadian-isms

E: Oh, sure, yeah.

M: Oh, yes!

A: Wow, okay, y'all got real enthusiastic about that. If you have any to teach us, we're happy to.

J: Yeah, please teach us.

E: What ones did you have questions about?

A: I i ah don't have questions as much because I'm cool and lived there for three years, but Jess was confused by the word Keener.

J: keener

M: Oh yeah!

E: Oh, you guys don't have Keener?

A: No, it's one of those words that I learned so quickly in university that I forgot was Canadian-specific.

J: Yeah.

M: well overeager, a little bit of a brown-noser, teacher's pet kind of,

E: Yeah, that that type of vibe.

A: Exactly what I said!

M: Yeah.

J: Mmhmm.

M: Are y'all familiar with the wonder of a duetang?

A: I'm sorry, ah-hoo-a-da-wada?

J: What?

E: I love the duotang one for the Americans. This is great.

A: a crudités?

M: If you had to guess what you think

E: The kids love crudités.

M: what do you think it doitang is do a Duetang.

J: I have 

A: ah do A duetay?

E: A duotang.

M: Tang. A-N-G at the end.

A: A duetang? It sounds like you're like chugging a tang, like a bottle of tang.

M: A duetang is a folder that you use at school that has like the three holes with the little

A: No, it's not.

M: metal flaps to fasten your papers into it.

E: Yeah, it's a duotang.

J: what Why do you call it that?

E: Cause that's what they were called.

A: Is that a brand name?

E: No, they were by, they were by Hill Roy.

M: Yeah.

J: Huh. And it had its own name.

E: Yeah. It'd be like, get out your geography duotang. And you'd be like, okay.

A: Oh no, not in the classroom.

E: yeah

M: it would be on your like school supply list.

E: And you'd have different colors for different things.

M: Like you need to buy, yeah, you need to buy five duotangs assorted colors.

E: yeah

A: It's just a binder.

M: no. no rings.

E: but But it was like, it was it was a lot more compact than a binder. It didn't it wasn't didn't take as much space. Space is hard to come by in Canada. I know we have lots of trees and and wilderness, but like, we're 

A: You are the least densely populated country in the world.

E: Yeah, but that's because the bears have the rest of it.

A: I'm pretty sure that's including the bears.

E: Oh, that's probably fair.

A: There are fewer people in your entire country than in the state Jess lives in.

J: Yeah.

E: True.

M: true.

E: Very true. What about darts? You guys know about darts?

A: like the game?

E: No, like, can I have a dart?

M: No, hacking darts.

A: What?

J: Have a dart?

E: Yeah, have a Can I, can I bob a dart off you?

J: a cigarette?

A: a cigarette?

E: a cigarette. Yeah.

J: weird

A: See, for a while I thought it was gonna be poo. like i need I need to go have a dart.

M: yeah No, if someone's, if someone's, if someone's hacking darts, they're like just having a few smokes,

J: chain smoking.

M: chain smoking.

A: Okay.

M: Serviette.

E: Oh

A: Oh, that's a napkin, right?

E: there you go.

M: it is! yeah. yeah yeah yeah

A: Yeah, that's just a French thing.

J: A serviette?

M: Serviette yeah

A: yeah it's the french word so there's like some of those that sh*t just infiltrates extra into canadian english like check like a a bank check is spelled with us a q u for what 

M: i've got another good one, Evan do you you have any more?
Evan: No, you go ahead.

M: a garburator.

E: Oh, the garburator

A: it's a garbage disposal 

M: well done.

E: yeah

J: That's so good. Why don't we call it that? That is so good. We need to steal it.

A: Why would we call it that?

J: I love it. It's fun.

A: I also regularly enjoyed Parkade for no other reason than it sounds like a parking arcade. And I was like, it's a party.

E: Sounds fun. What about a two four?

A: Oh, that's a wait.

M: Or a Mickey 

A: Okay. Yeah. Okay. I was like a two four is an alcohol size, right? And then I didn't want to sound like an alcoholic on here. but a Mickey is def Yeah.

J: Like a 40?

A: See, I don't know American terms 

J: Oh, is it a 40?

A: A mickey a Mickey is like a flask size.

M: Yeah.

A: And then a two four is like the next size up, isn't it?

M: And then a 40's bigger.

E: So no, a two six is the it goes Mickey two six 

M: Is the bottle.

E: and Mickey is like 375 milliliters, which that doesn't that doesn't yeah.

J: Okay, okay. No, that makes sense.

A: you can fit it in your purse when you're underage drinking.

M: Two four's for beer.

E: Yeah, a two four is is is a 24 pack of beer.

J: oh 


E: And then a Texas Mickey 

J: is a 40 

M: it's a good time

E: no it's a giant bottle because 

J: Oh, it's a han- it's a handle.

E: because yeah, because everything's bigger in Texas. So you can literally be like which Texas Mickey do you want to ruin a party?

M: Yeah 

A: I feel like you should call it an Alberta Mickey.

E: Yes, because that is our Texas 100%.

M: I've got two others. The one we used in our house, I feel like Evan might disagree with one being like broadly Canadian. The converter. Did you call it that at your house?

E: I didn't, but I knew plenty of people who did.

A: At your house, the converter? Is that a thermostat?

E: Nope

M: You would use it a lot in your house.

E: Oh yeah.

A: Like a remote?

E: Yeah. TV remote.

J: The Converter.

M: we also called it the GD Clicker Box, but that way to just put our house.

E: That's definitely, that's definitely you guys. And then, uh, then a hoser.

A: It's like a punk. like yeah Right? Like it's like an insult. It's like a... Like you're...

E: Yeah, you're kind of dumb like hoser's like it it now means more like you're just like a broadly like very Canadian person. Like if you're aggressively Canadian, people will call you a hoser.

J: Okay.

E: It used to mean like you're kind of an idiot and you're you're you're slow.

A: Uh-huh.

E: But now it's more just like you see somebody who's like, Oh, yeah, there he is ripping darts and drinking out of his two four with his toque gone. That's a hoser right there for sure.

A: He's such a hoser, yeah.

E: an absolute hoser.

A: Question, has that word gone out of style more as the popularity of hozier increases?

M: No

E: No, but I would not be offended if someone called me a hosier. hozier That'd be great. I'd be like, oh, like I'm an ethereal being 

J: yeah

E: who speaks for the woodland creatures. Like, that's wonderful.

A: We were also wondering, is necking really as popular as this show makes it seem? Because that's like 70s, 80s American slang, but it seems more popular in Canada.

E: i straight- I do remember somebody in high school being like, yeah, him and I necked. And I was like, no one says that.

A: Okay.

J: And that was in high school, no one said that.

E: I was in high school. I was like, nobody says that.

J: Okay. Okay. That makes me feel better. Cause I was like, when I was trying to look it up and I was like, okay, it is like 70s, 80s American, but Amanda and I were like, maybe it's more popular in Canada, but it really confused us because the show makes it seem like it's a very common term.

E: Yeah, it's not.

M: No.

J: Okay.

M: The last one I have, I'm borrowing from the wonder that is Letter Kenny. I don't know if you've ever watched Letter Kenny before, had the privilege of watching Letter Kenny. I actually used it earlier when we were talking about one of the episodes, a Donnie Brooke.

E: Ah, Donny Brook.

A: Wow, we really lied to your face and pretended we knew what you were saying back then.

J: Yeah, I don't know.

A: It sounds like a name. It sounds like a character from Dawson's Creek. like

E: Who's the new kid? Oh, that's Donny Brook.

A: Yeah, yeah.

E: He's from the wrong side of the tracks.

M: No, A donny Brooke is like a full bench clearing hockey fight.

E: Yeah, it's it's a brawl.

J: Oh.

E: things go Things go from a scuffle to a kerfuffle to a Donnybrook. Real quick.

J: Okay.

E: Real right quick there, pal. I also, Mal, from this website, it says that it's a Canadian thing to say Jesus Murphy.

M: we said Sarah Murphy in our house.

E: That's because because you had upstanding rules and morals.

M: I think that was a relative of my family.

A: I like that you looked up a website.

E: I looked it up and I was like, I was like, what else doesn't exist? And it's like Jesus Murphy. I'm like, nobody says Jesus Murphy.

A: I know,I've never heard that.

J: I've never heard it. No.

E: it's just like It's essentially like a loophole for not taking the Lord's name in vain to just change his surname to Murphy, I guess.

J: Okay, okay.

E: but like listen We're not talking about that Jesus.

M: There's gotta be a Jesus Murphy somewhere out there.

E: We're talking about a different Jesus.

J: Different Jesus.

A: This is Jesus, actually.

E: Yeah, you don't know this one. Goes to a different school.

M: Yeah.

A: We had a lot of Jesuses at our school.

E: We did not.

M: We did not no. I think that's most of the ones that I can think of. um There are a couple other ones that I've just, like, again, Letter Kenny is a perfect piece of Canadiana that's given me some of my favorite insults and lines, like calling somebody a dial tone, if they're really boring. Like, that's, 

E: love that

M: that's an incredible insult.

A: That's great.

M: drove the riding motor sh*tface, now you got yourself a corn maze. Like, it's just, if you haven't watched it, it's worth a watch.

E: Oh.

A: a double double is the Tim Hortons thing, right? Well, like a normal

M: yeah 

A: Jess, is is a double double a thing we say in America?

J: No. Unless we're talking about in and out. Your in and out order.

E: yeah see that's the that's the That's the American version

M: That's an American double double

E: is the in and out burgers, but no a double double for us is to milk to sugar 

J: oh

A: in your coffee.

E: In your coffee.

M: I guess, Evan, we we do have one more ultimate Canadian thing that we haven't mentioned.

A: Is it Canadian Tire?

M: No, but that's a magical place. Bags of milk.

A: Oh, I know about the bags of milk.

J: Ohh 

M: which is not it's not it's not an all of Canada thing it's an

A: no it's like an Ontario thing 

M: it's Ontario and east but yeah bags of milk and having the plastic container that the bag goes in and then cutting the correct proportion off of the bag so that you can like accurately pour it 

E: God, when you when you cut the hole wrong and it's too big

M: oh Jesus Murphy

E: like, might as well pack your bags and leave the family. Like, holy sh*t. your Your parents will look at you and be like, I've never been more disappointed. Like, I put milk all over the f*cking breakfast counter this morning. Like, it's unbelievable.

M: cause it like folds like you'll start pouring and then it'll just like go at a right angle yes yes i

E: It it literally, it will collapse under its own weight like a dying star. It's crazy.

J: You'd think that we would move past the bags of milk?

A: Well, I was going to ask, is there a reason that they justify the bags versus cartons?

J: Yeah.

E: I don't think so.

M: don't think so  

A: It's just like a this is how we do things here.

M: yeah. and cartons also aren't even the biggest. i i'd say it's between like bags and gallons 

J: okay

A: ohhhh Uh, I haven't bought milk milk in a while in like a normal grocery store. We do a lot of gallons, but then like I'm lactose intolerant. So.

M: fancy milks are cartons 

E: So according according to the internet, the reasons that they still go with the ah the bag is if you do cut it properly, it pours easier, which is true. It it would pour easier than ah than an actual like container. It's easier to store with the unopened bags because they lay flat. And then it stays fresher because you open only one bag at a time for the full four liters instead of having ah an open four liter, or like two liter thing of milk.

J: Okay.

M: Fair enough.

A: Those feel subjective, but that's fine.

J: Yeah, also I'm like, okay, it lies flat, but then that's taking up more room than a carton. If you're having something lying flat, I guess you could stack other things on top of it, but it feels not, if it doesn't feel efficient.

E: I do like Jess, like beautiful minding it. And instead of doing this, if it's if it's if it's flat, it's taking up more surface area.

J: It is!

A: This is how she works.

J: Yeah.

A: I have to say not to be a dickhead, but I really enjoyed the whole explanation about bagged milk just because I was listening to how you say the word bag. And I even just said bagged a little bit because it just,

E: bagged milk 

J: I love it 

A: those were the things that like bag, pasta, those were words that I like didn't expect to be different when I moved up north.

E: Yeah

A: And then I heard it and I was like, that's incredible.

E: Yeah. My American co-host on my other podcast, he came to my wedding and he shows up and he goes, you all say eh

A: yea 

E: all the time. I thought it was a joke. You all say it. And I was like, yeah, he goes, I've heard like your grandmother say it.

A: Yeah.

E: This is crazy. 

M: Yeah

E: We all say, eh, just it's a nice little way to end a sentence.

A: Yeah, I used to say it all the time.

M: I've heard myself making the aboot sound 

A: Uh-huh

E: oh yeah

M: and I'm like, oh no.

A: It came out of your mouth really naturally just now.

J: Yeah

E: Felt smooth, felt right.

A: Yeah, I'm one of those people that just like picks things up when I'm there. So y'all really jumbled my language for a bit. But it's fun.

M: It's also very, like you said, Canada's a big place, so regionally there's a lot of things. Like, if we go to certain parts of Canada, we won't know what they're talking about either, so...

E: If you go to the East coast of Canada, like the Atlantic provinces, I, you can't understand a damn thing they're saying.

M: Good luck. Good f*cking luck. Yes, bye.

A: Well, I was living in, like I lived in BC and Vancouver. So like, it's very, very similar to to West Coast US. But then I had people in my dorm my first year who were from Ontario and Quebec. And then I had people I lived in a house with my last year who were from Nova Scotia.

E: Oh

A: So I got like a good mix 

E: yeah. Definitely a good mix. I will say one of my favorite things is to see French people interact with people from Quebec because then they hear Quebec French and they're like, what did you do to our beautiful language?

A: I went to Disneyland Paris with my friends who speak Fre- quebecois

E: quebecois yeah

A: and the people working the lines at Disneyland were like, are you French? No, I'm Canadian. If if you're if you're from Canada, why do you speak French? Because we speak French in Canada. And then they just dramatically in the most French way possible throw their hands up in the air and storm off.

M: That's correct. That's about right. And then also too, being up north, there's another like particular dialect that starts to ah to get into all of your you all of your speech. It's uh

E: We promise we like are normal. we just talk funny sometimes.

A: Everything's normal for where you're from, so.

M: Yes, exactly.

E: And we have funny colored money and it's awesome.

J: It's Monopoly money.

E: It is.

A: Yeah, and there's kids playing hockey on the back.

E: Yeah, there is.

A: shout outs before we wrap up this episode for 

J: Yeah

A: the ones in between the ones that we discussed. Episode three, Rumor Mill. It's somehow the most eventful and most boring episode that I've ever seen in my life. It's like a school dance and Sheldon, who's the keener at school, is dating Emily, but then they're having weird tension and Basically, he ends up going to the dance with Casey, Max goes with Kendra, and Derek goes with Emily. And at one point, Derek kisses Emily to make sure that Sheldon still likes her. 

J: Hmm

A: And then it all just resolves by the end. It's weird.

M: That's a real Upsetty Spaghetti people swap.

A: Is that Canadian or just a Mallory special? Upsetty spaghetti.

M: Upsetty Spaghetti?

A: Yeah.

M: Oh no, that's me.

A: Yeah. Okay. Thought so. Just wanted to tease you.

M: And possibly Sesame Street, I don't know.

J: Yeah.

A: Honestly, never watched it. And then episode four, Misadventures in Babysitting is the first, I mean, plot wise, Kendra and Derek break up, Casey and Max officially get together, but also it is the iconic dasey episode where they give mom and dad vibes where they are babysitting the other kids for like a whole weekend and like Casey storms in the house and is like, Derek, what did you do to the children?

E: A loveless marriage.

J: Yeah.

M: very school project. We gotta keep this bag of flour alive!

J: Yeah.

A: Did y'all do that? We've discussed that we didn't do that at our schools.

E: we There was a class that had the baby, like the actual like robot babies.

M: yeah

E: And I remember it so vividly because a friend of mine, he was dating a girl who was doing the class and he was very sick of it because she had to have it everywhere, including when they went on dates and hung out or whatever. And on the last day she had it, she put it down at her locker and he lined up and he field goal kicked the baby down the hallway.

J: Oh!

E: And so when she got her report, they were like, there was a traumatic injury to the baby, like two hours before the class. She was like, he kicked it down the hallway.

J: Oh my god.

M: I remember a girl in one of my classes it like wouldn't stop crying, and she just, from the back of the room, very calmly grabbed the thing, grabbed the carrier, walked into the hallway, and all you heard from the hallway was, I DON'T LOVE YOU! And then she left it in the hallway and came back into class. Yeah

E: Parenthood goes well for many people.

A: It's one of the Love Island traditions that they skipped in this season, which they did a lot. The the finale aired as of recording this tonight, where the last four or five couples, they give them an electronic baby that somehow is racially accurate if these two people procreated. Sometimes they give a couple twins and they have to take care of it for a day. And it is always my least favorite episode to watch because they're just screaming the whole time and I hate it.

M: I mean it's not far off some days.

A: ah Sorry, I forgot there was a child wielder in the house.

M: We're breeders!

A: Thank y'all so much for coming on. Do you have anything you would like to shout out before we do our little outro?

E: Mallory, do the plugs.

A: As always, you can find us on Instagram and Twitter at popcapsulpod, you can link us on Facebook at popcapsulpodcast, you can send us a message to popcapsulpodcast at, or a DM that's usually the best place to get ahold of us. I'm not sure exactly when this episode is coming out, but all of August we have guestapalooza going on. Even if you're listening to this after August and guestapalooza has finished, it's definitely worth going back. Those are usually some of our favorite episodes of the year. where we have guests on, including the lovely folks here from 90s Babies Nostalgia. so you make sure you check out our collaboration on our side of things

E: Yeah 

M: where we quiz them on Americanisms.

E: Yes.

J: Yeah

M: I'm just kidding we didn't 

J: Yeah. I mean, we could.

E: Yeah.

M: Or did we?

E: I'll come up with some American things.

A: I was gonna say is that on the agenda because I don't remember that.

E: What's a Bucky's and why does it look like the happiest place on earth?

A: What is a Bucky's? I've never heard of that.

J: I think it's Texas or somewhere in the middle.

E: I think I think it's Texas.

J: Besides, we're going and following Pop Capsule Pod everywhere that Mallory just mentioned. You can also follow us at Nineties Babies Nostalgia on Instagram and YouTube. Spell out the word 90s. We're also on TikTok, but use the numbers there. And make sure to rate and review as it really helps us out. And with that, we'll see you in the next one.

A+J: Bye!

90s Babies Nostalgia