Nineties Babies Nostalgia

a spooktacular halloween episode tier ranking (disney & nickelodeon)

Jessica Forrester & Amanda Moore Season 3 Episode 30

Nothing hits quite like Monstober on the Disney Channel, but how do these spooky and kooky episodes compare? And does Nickelodeon's Halloween content even stand a chance? We're here to answer just that, because, well, we care. Maybe a little too much. 

Please rate & review and reach out to us on socials for any thoughts on your favorite Halloween episodes. 


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Artwork by Dawn Wheeler (

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get home from school, turn on my TV, who are these friends staring right back at me, now that we're older why don't you come over, and go back in time with me? Nineties Babies Nostalgia 

Hi, I'm Amanda.

And I'm Jessica.

And this is 90s Babies Nostalgia, where a couple of 90s babies re-watch, sometimes watch for the first time, and sometimes are just discussing teen entertainment from the early 2000s.

Just to be clear, we are not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the TV shows, networks, actors, any of the things we talk about. We just really, really love talking about TV and today we are talking about

halloween baby

Yeah, we're going to be tier ranking some of the Disney and Nickelodeon Halloween TV episodes.

and this is gonna be purely our choice, you know, players choice. That's all. So if there's other episodes you would like us to watch and rank later, you know, put it in the comments and we'll file it away for next year.

Mm hmm.

But before we get into that, Jessica, do you have a fall recommendation?

hmm i have so many

Okay, besides go to a pumpkin patch, which I feel like you just have to do every year. My other fall recommendation is you should have a baking day like set aside one of your Saturdays or Sundays in fall and you should just get cozy, light candle, bake some yummy things. That's my fall recommendation, I think. Do you have one?

I'm gonna say get the warm apple cider at least just once you know it's really sweet you don't have to get it more than once in a season but do it once if you have the option versus like a coffee or a PSL You're gonna get those multiple times in a season, but if you're out with the fall leaves or at a patch or somewhere or a farmer's market and you see that they have it, just do it once. It's gonna taste like fall. 

I was gonna say that in that same vein, apple cider donuts. if you're at a farmer's market or a pumpkin patch or anywhere and like apple cider donuts are there, you're gonna need to get them.

Every single time.

Yeah, I'm pretty, yep. Yeah, I think every single time because they're only available for such a limited amount of time. And like, how often are you in a place to get them? that Yeah, I think whenever they're available to you, you're going to need them.

I actually feel like, and this is probably because I live in New York, they're available like almost all year

Oh, OK 

at our farmer's markets.


Because we, this is Apple country, you know?

Yeah, yeah.

But at least once a season, I would definitely say.

Yeah, maybe once a month during the season, you need some in September, you need some in October and you're going to need some in November.

we're going to get into the tier ranking. Yes.


Disclaimers, as I mentioned, this is our opinion and only the episodes we've decided to include here. But there's so many other episodes out there and we missed a lot and some of the ones that we're covering aren't even fully Halloween episodes. We'll get into that later. I searched for these and I was misled sometimes. It's really made me wonder a question that I have for you, Jess, watching all of these. What do you think makes a Halloween episode?

the season, like obviously it has to preferably take place during fall or during October. I also think if there is something thing a little different, it needs to either be like spooky or magical or creepy, or something out of the ordinary happens. also, if there's costumes or Halloween parties or things like that involved, that's a plus, but not a requirement.

Mmmm. Interesting. So you're you prefer the spooky over the realistic Halloween episodes that are like, it's Halloween, we're gonna go trick or treating or we're gonna throw a Halloween party.

Yes, yes. 

Got it.

How about, yeah what do you think?

I think I'm on a similar vibe. Like I want to be a little spooked, but not really because it's a kid's show. I really like a good costume. I like something that is in the spirit of the spook of the like related to ghosts or witchcraft. I'm not as into the sci-fi like the zombie or well zombies a little bit, um aliens, especially less so. And like you said, fall. Definitely. It needs to have that like fall aesthetic.

Mm hmm.

Like I need to feel like it could have been shot in Gilmore Girls. so with all of that, would you like to tell the people what our criteria are?

Yeah, so the criteria that we'll be judging these on loosely is, is it Halloween? How spooky are these episodes? Of course, we're like keeping in mind that these are for children, but still with that in mind, how spooky are they? If we have any like memories or nostalgia around the episode, um the general vibes of the episode. And then if there's like a big iconic moment, like a big dance number or something that really stands out, we'll also judge on that.

as you will see in the video, I will have our tier maker posted. If not, we will, if you're just listening, we will try our best to describe everything. we have a classic S through F tier ranker for all of these episodes we will be covering. Level S is a spooky masterpiece. This is an episode that I'm gonna want to watch over and over. Dare I say, nearly every Halloween, I was thoroughly entertained and a little bit spooked.

A is AHHHHHHH! It's just not quite an S, but it's a solid episode, you know?


B is BOO! Oh, sorry, you're just BOO? You were so excited to give that, I could not feel it. it's a solid episode, could have been a little spookier. It's giving Casper a not haunted mansion.


C I'm so sorry this is the name we came up with. I think we could just say cursed, actually.

Yeah, that sounds good.

Okay. I was going to be cowardly cursed. I think we're just going to say cursed, which to me is like a double meaning. Like it's a cursed episode in that it's a little spooky, but it's a cursed episode in that it's not that good.

Good. Yep.

D is didn't flinch. I wasn't moved. I didn't enjoy it or whatever. And then F is fall off my TV. I don't want to see this flop again. I was bored. I might not be Halloween. I don't know what was going on, but um I didn't enjoy it. And it's in theme because fall and this is fall in case you didn't get that because you're just not following along like I am. Thank you.

for context for you guys, us literally 15 minutes ago was me Googling Halloween words that start with C and then just spewing them at Amanda aggressively. So that's why we ended up with the categories we did. But you know, we're sticking with them.

Because at a quarter to nine last night, Jess put a comment on the letters of the Google Doc where we had established spooky and boo that the names of the tiers was my responsibility. Did I see this comment before we sat down to record no? Did I assume these were my responsibility and I'd been doing it last minute at anyway? Yes. so we've collected, uh, as we mentioned, these are going to be Disney and Nick episodes. We're not doing any other networks and they're primarily live action, but we did throw in a few animations for, um, you know, old times sake, breaking out a little bit. Yeah.

So some of these are ones that we've covered on the show before. A lot of them are ones we have not covered. The first few will fall in ones we've covered. um So we're gonna get started with Suite Life. And first up is the Ghost of Suite 613.

Which also, I have to say, we had a rule that we only took one episode from a series, except for Suite Life, because we'd already seen them both. Because some of these shows, girl, why does Jesse have four?

A lot of the later Disney and Nick shows are like one every season and I'm like, I don't think I need that many Halloween episodes and this is coming from a girl who loves Halloween.

I know, I get it, but I'm also like, guys,


Suite 613. We liked it.


It's iconic. It's iconic in that a lot of people love this episode. It wasn't our favorite.

Agreed. It's not my personal favorite. People love it. It's very meme-able. So I feel like under our iconic moments, it needs to get a a little bit more credit. It's really not that creepy. And it's very, it's shot strangely. I feel like maybe it goes under. Boo!

I was going to say a boo or an ahh because it is like a marginally spooky, like I love a fake haunting and we didn't know like the audience kind of finds out with the boys that it's fake, right?

Yeah, I feel like for nostalgic purpose nostalgia purposes and iconic moments in the episode, it can go into ahh.

Okay. next episode.

Still on Suite Life, we have the second Halloween episode of Sweet Life, so this is Arwinstein, which I personally enjoyed a little bit more. I don't think Amanda enjoyed it as much as I did, but I found it kind of creepy.

i am truly thinking cursed guys we've covered those these ones in the podcast before we're so we're not summarizing anything we'll give like one sentence summaries later on for things that like i watched and jess doesn't really know but if you guys don't know what these particular episodes are about go just go back and listen because i'm i don't feel like talking about arwinstein again because i want to i want to give it a c for cursed i guess to me it doesn't feel very halloween even though it is very halloween

There's a Halloween party. Everyone is in costume. There's a creepy robot that's on the loose.

Okay, the thing is that the robot is a Frankenstein wannabe, but robots to me, they're like the alien thing. They don't say Halloween because they're not magic. They're sci-fi.

I would say I would like it to be under B. But if you really can't, if you're not okay with that, I will accept to C. But I like it. I think it deserves more.

I'll put it at boo

Boo. All right. Now we have Lizzie McGuire, Night of the Day of the Dead. And if you listened to that episode, you would know that Amanda and I were disappointed by it.

And I think we got a little heat for that too. Some people really love this episode. This one for me is a cursed, maybe even a didn't flinch. I think there's moments of it that are fun, but it's not really and truly a Halloween episode.

It's not really a Halloween episode. It has, like, the Halloween party without, like, any of the other elements, you know? I guess there is a little bit of a spookiness.

They're pranking.

Yeah. I would say it didn't flinch, but

The only thing that I really like about it that to me is memorable is don't they trick Kate into thinking that Gordo has turned into like a frog or a doll or something?

yes yes we could put it at cursed 

I feel like I'm gonna put it at cursed for the people.


Oh my god

now onto a truly frightening episode we have don't have a cow that's so raven

This for me is a spooky masterpiece. Like, it is Halloween, there is magic, and was I frightened as a kid? Absolutely. And am I frightened now? Yes.

Yeah, it has to be S tier. This is one of those where if anyone in like our range of millennials, maybe not necessarily elder millennial, but mid millennial to zillennials and older Gen Z. If you're like, what was a creepy Disney Halloween episode? Everyone would be like, oh my God, that that's a Raven episode was so terrifying when they turned into cows because it is.

It is. It's terrifying. They turn into cows slowly but surely and into literal cows, which is the photo on this tier maker

Yeah. that photo made me giggle when I was looking at my options. I was like, it's gotta be just them as cows.

The cow with the red wig. that's so raven is a spooky masterpiece. Next up.

We have Phil of the future, Halloween.

It's just called Halloween Honestly, I really enjoyed this episode. I really love creepy robot Debbie. I Don't remember much else 

Yeah, I remember creepy robot Debbie. Everyone is being forced to be like slaves, essentially. 

Yeah, it's a child labor thing

I would say probably like, ah, or boo.

I think you could say the letters, but...

I could.

Ahh Or boo. I kind of feel like this could go at I mean, I personally enjoy it, but I think it's probably a boo.


Okay, this is the first one that we haven't both seen.

Yeah, um we have Austin and Ally, costumes and courage.

I promise guys, and I promise Jess, I'm not going to rant for every one that is my own personal one that I watched and she didn't. However, I need to rant a little bit in that this is not It hurts me. This is not an episode that should be highly ranked on this particular Halloween episode tier ranking, but it is a very good episode of TV. basically they go to a costume party at a like record label producer, Austin's record label producer's, Halloween party, and everyone's in costume. There is a costume shop, ala a spirit Halloween kind of thing, which is cool.


Ally is notoriously fearful of performing. She has really bad stage fright. And Austin is supposed to perform a duet with Taylor Swift, who, no, is not actually in the episode, but is wearing the same costume as Ally. And then she gets pranked and can't perform. And then Ally performs and like faces her fear.

but it's not really spooky.

it's not spooky at all.

Doesn't sound very Halloween.

No, there's a party. There's a costume shop. There are costumes. It's not spooky at all. ah The whole point of it is that the fear is her actual fear. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah, I you would probably put cursed or didn't flinch. And I hate that for my babies.

Yeah, I would say I'll let you do the final thing, but I was thinking it sounds yeah, C or D.

I'm gonna put it under didn't flinch.


They have lots of other episodes. It's fine. They can redeem themselves. 

Then we have Wizards of Waverly Place, Halloween.

Okay, I kind of think this is it also a didn't flinch or maybe a cursed.

Okay, but I feel like there is spooky elements because they're like going to the underworld and like pulling out real ghosts to put in their haunted mansion.

But then their ghosts or flops, that's the whole point.

Yeah, they all suck.

They're like boring.


They all suck. I watched it today and I was like, for a show that's about magic and inherently has fall- falloween- Halloween vibes, this particular episode didn't do anything for me.

Yeah, I would agree. I watched clips and I was like, oh, I remember this episode so well. And I don't, I would have never in my brain associated it as a Halloween episode.

No, I like I would rather like a Wizards versus Angels when they got a little darker kind of thing.

Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

Granted this is season one it's before all that but still I to me it's like a didn't flinch.


And I love Wizards guys.

Mm hmm.

That's kind of the show that started this whole podcast you just don't know it yet.

Then we have Hannah Montana, torn between two Hannahs. Here's the thing, this episode's iconic as all hell.

It is. And Miley really got to use her acting chops playing her evil twin cousin. It's not spooky and it's...If Austin and Ally isn't very Halloween and they're at a Halloween party

This is not Halloween.

No And they're at a Halloween party, but her friend makes it HANNAHWEEN. So it's like extra not Halloween because they're just dressed up like Hannah Montana, like it's her birthday.

There are some parts where like, she's trapped in the closet and tied up, which I guess you could argue is a little spooky, but yeah, I would say maybe didn't flinch. I wouldn't want to put it in the F category only because I do feel like it's an iconic episode, but it's not. Is it Halloween? No. Is it spooky? No.

But we will give it credit that it it takes place on Halloween.


There is a party. There are costumes, ish. I all agree with Din't Flinch. I also, because it's not scary until she's tied up in the closet.

Mm hmm.
Two thirds of this episode at least are about her like freaking out about her cousin who's not doing anything.


Anyway, Tale of Two Hanas is a D. It's a Din't Flinch.

Then we have Even Stevens, a very scary story. I personally still would rank this as probably the scariest Halloween episode that we've watched. It's terrifying. It is definitely Halloween. It is definitely spooky. I feel like for people who grew up watching Even Stevens, so maybe not as much the Gen Zers here, it is iconic as well and has a lot of nostalgia to it. Like people remember it.

To me, it's giving S tier. It's giving spooky masterpiece.

Okay, okay, I wanted to say S, but I was like, are we really putting Even Stevens at S? 

Oh yeah.

But yeah, it is spooky. It's creepy as all hell.

I'm surprised that you wanted to put it there because I know you hated it.

But I hated it because it was terrifying, which is like, perfect for this reason, you know?

Yeah. Also, guys, I don't know if I said it in this episode or just before we started recording. So a little sorry if I've already said it. But we're judging these based on the episode, the episode specifically, and none of it has to do with the quality of the show, because that's our regular podcast. And that's a whole other thing.


we're not saying even Stevens and that's so raven are better than Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place as shows. We're just saying these Halloween episodes.

Are better, yes.

Yes, which is important to note because then we're also going to get into some shows that have like terrible writing, but like also they spooked. So next up.

Shake it up, haunt it up. This is an episode I watched. It does take place on Halloween. basically like brief summary Deuce's dad purchased a creepy house like in town that everyone thinks is haunted and Flynn is like We need to stay there four hours without getting freaked out or you owe me something I don't remember there was like a bet involved So they're all there and he pranks them by sending over like a ghostly lost kid to Rocky's and Cece's and then they return the kid to this creepy house and everyone's like oh my god it's a real ghost but really it was just a prank. it's kind of creepy a little bit but it's more set on like yeah as i said like prankster vibes at the beginning before the intro song rolls there is a cool dance that's all frankenstein themed where cece and rocky are dressed as bride of frankenstein so i feel like it deserves extra points for the dance part 

Ooh, I love that.

but overall i would say the episode was meh

It sounds C or D.

Yeah, I would almost say it could maybe go into boo because of the Frankenstein dance. Because there is a haunted house, there are elements. It's just not super... Remind me who else we have at B right now.

B is Arwinstein and Phil of the Future. And then cursed is Lizzie McGuire.

Okay, I feel like it could definitely go in B.

Wow. surpriser from Shake It Up.


You don't sound thrilled by that.

well just i was seeing what was next on the list and i was like oh god i forgot i had to watch this this is good luck Charlie scary had a little lamb basically it's so stupid it's just dumb teddy is taking charlie trick-or-treating and then she's gonna go to a party but there's this guy named carl carl scares charlie and then also like mixes fake blood with rotten eggs which gets on teddy's costume which ruins her costume and means that no one talks to her at the party because she stinks of eggs so then she's like i need to get revenge on Carl. And so they invite him over and she pretends to be like a crazy deranged woman and like goes and slashes Ivy with a butcher knife to scare Carl away. That's the episode.

Okay, that sounded kind of spooky, but you said it was really stupid.

I would say it's spoopy. Not spooky. You know?

Yeah, yeah which was the original name of our S tier.

Mm hmm.

And then you told me that that was bad. So 

Oh, also, PJ's a goth because he's dating a goth. 


That feels important.

classic. Okay, how do you feel about it?

Oh, there also was a sex with a ghost joke which made me uncomfortable.

What was it?

like a ghost goes and visits the mom and then i don't know if she makes some sort of sex joke i don't remember the specifics but it was very weird then she sucks the ghost up with a vacuum 

Wow, um, a sex joke followed by then she sucks the ghost. I was like, whoa. 


This is not the show I remembered.

not like that here's the thing i feel like it has spooky elements but maybe the execution was not that great

Okay, remember we are adjudicating the third time I've said in the last 30 minutes that word. We are basing our judgments on the criteria of a Halloween episode, not on the criteria of quality television.

Yeah, but I would say vibes are low, low, low. 

And guys, she's a good luck Charlie girl. 

Maybe cursed.

I'll put that, I'll put, I would C or D it. You seem to not like it at all. I don't remember it at all. And that to me says, but it's not memorable.


That is the definition.


jessie runaway bride of frankenstein 


What happened oh no

No, it's not that I just want to say. So we only chose shows that at least one of us had seen before, like growing up, not necessarily the episode, but we'd seen the show. and that Most of those that means I've seen it, though a lot of these Jess had also seen Jess has never seen Jessie. That's fine. I've seen all of it. I know lots of what was going on there were like four episodes to choose from and when we were narrowing it down we purely were just like sounds like a vibe this title i'm gonna go with this one and it's the first one i sat down to watch and i thought you know this maybe wasn't the right choice because i passed like three other halloween episodes on my way to get to this one that all looked a little more applicable

Oh no!

Um, it is applicable. 


I actually, I actually did end up enjoying it. I did end up giving it an A to B in my personal rating. The basic plot is it the, is it, it's a, it picks up where the previous episode left off, where Jesse's boyfriend proposes to her.


I know nothing scarier than marriage. And she's 22. He's 25. And his mom's a nightmare. We know that. But also he doesn't get along with the kids very well. And that's very important to her. So he spends the episode trying to like, spend time with the kids. And he's very well intended. But he's also a klutz. So he like, accidentally drops the really good pumpkin carving and like, 


dumb stuff like that so they're all really mad at him cut to we're in Central Park at some Halloween festival with a big haunted house and everyone's in really cool Frankenstein costumes except for Emma because she's a princess is there a princess in Frankenstein there is now is what she says it kind of comes to a head with him taking the kids through this haunted house and they're all too scared and then Jesse falls asleep on the couch and because now she's she left her kids with him in the park and she's back in the apartment with Bertram who's the butler and they're talking about how she's like I don't know if he's the perfect guy and then she has a dream where they are in Frankenstein


And they are villagers of Frankenstein and she's paid the scientist to build her her perfect man and it is this man but then he keeps messing up because he's scared of fire and there's all these triggers and it's running around and it's a cool dream sequence parody of Frankenstein. And the costumes are really good. And then she does end up accepting the proposal at the end because she realizes there's no such thing as the perfect guy, which you didn't really need to know that and this is more details than you needed to know.


It like, it won me over at the end, but the the majority of the plot, if not all of the plot, is about her potential engagement, and that's why I was like, this was maybe not the episode to choose, but again, nothing scarier than lifelong commitment, am I right?


Costumes are fantastic. 


Sorry, sorry, what were you gonna say?

I was gonna say really the only like spooky element maybe is the dream sequence though.

Mmm Yeah, they go through a haunted house, but you don't get to actually see the haunted house at all. You just see them go in and go out. there's nothing that is magical, if that's your question. The dream sequence is good. 


It's like a good parody.

But what are you thinking?

Maybe a boo?


Jessie's at a boo.

Okay, girl meets world, girl meets world of terror.
Okay, this is an episode that had me really questioning my taste when I watched shows, because I was in college watching this show and enjoying it. And if you've ever seen the show, you know why I have questions for my past self. This was our first, or my only maybe, that went the route of like, let me tell you spooky stories. But it really wasn't spooky stories, because it was just like the same day it took place on Halloween. And there were certain sections of following different characters as they face their fears. The first part was about how their nerdy friend is afraid of baseball. And then he got over it. And then the second part was about how Riley, the main character, is scared of spending the night at Maya's house because I don't know, it's scary. And then the guys show up in the middle of the night on their fire escape. They live in New York City. That's an important detail.

Amanda, this sounds like a D.


We don't even have to continue and this sounds like a D. What is happening here?

Their costumes are good. This photo you chose doesn't look familiar. from the That's from the episode?

That's what Google said! Don't ask me questions!

That's not from this episode. I don't know what this is, but we're pretending this is Girl Meets World. I don't know what this is.

It's a D. 


It could almost maybe go to an F, but you know what? It should be a D for Maya's costume.

You said the costumes are great, I feel like.

Mm hmm.

Are you sure that this is not from the episode?


Okay, well, Google led me wrong.

It's probably from another one because they had like three episodes from Girl Meets World and they all had almost near identical titles.


It was like Girl Meets World of Terror, Girl Meets World of Terror 2, Girl Meets World of Terror Final.

Oh my god. That's like the next one that we're getting into now that we put that in a D. Also titled all of their Halloween episodes, the same thing. It is Ant Farm with Mutant Farm. And I'm pretty sure the episodes that follow are Mutant Farm 2 and Mutant Farm 3.

Okay, the ant farm one is a parody episode of the actual show. If you know ant, do you know the premise of ant farm at all Jess?


It's okay, it's okay, don't be ashamed if you don't. 

I was gonna lie and then I was like, I can't even lie because I couldn't even tell you loosely what I think it is. I actually have no idea. They're at camp.

Wait, oh my god, could you guess? Could you guess what they are?

Are they at camp?

No, baby, that's bunked. 


We got rid of that one.

got it. Don't know.

No guesses?


Do you know who the lead is?

Mmm, no.

China ann McLain?

Oh, I was going to guess that. I did know.

Okay, so Ant Farm is a show about China ann McLain's character, also named Chyna, but spelled with a Y, who is a musical prodigy and she goes to a school that has a gifted program for prodigies, not all musicians, they're all very like, one super sciency, one super artsy, etc. But it's not the majority of the school, it's just this program and the rest of the school are normal kids who bully them all the time, because they're also like three grades ahead of what they should be and their babies. 


And thus it is the ant farm. And this is a parody episode in which all of those gifted little kids are actual monsters and the rest of the kids are normal and they're all scared of these monsters. So it's inherently spooky. There's really terrible CGI giving China fake snakes on her head because she's like a Medusa character.


And then she spends the majority of the episode with this ugly yellow knitted cap over her snakes, which is almost more offensive than the really bad CGI.


There's a lot of jokes I didn't like. Again, we're not adjudicating. We're not judging based. I need to stop using that word based on that. they're They're throwing a Halloween party is the the premise of it.

So they're throwing the Halloween party. They are monsters.

Yeah, and like the normal kids can't go to the Halloween party, but they had to help them put it together. And there's all this like prejudice. And so Chyna turns the monsters into normal humans so that they know what it feels like. And then everyone's like, this party is so lame. And then she sings, calling all the monsters.

Oh, I do know this song.

Because it is the most iconic Halloween song. She literally sings the calling all the monsters and then they turn back into monsters. There's also a kid that eats other kids because he's a zombie.


I kind of ah like I wasn't enjoying it very much and then she performed it and I was like instantly a million points. This is an A.

Yeah, okay, I can i can take an A.

Can you?

Yeah, I thought you were gonna say an S and I was like no

No, absolutely not, because there's a lot of- this is also the one that was like, I didn't know your mother was a monster until I married her, which happens to a lot of guys.


An A almost purely for calling all the monsters, guys. 

All right, next up, Jonas, the tale of the haunted firehouse.

Tell me about it, babe.

Basically, so it's told in the style where like Kevin is telling the viewers a story and then you are watching the story play out.

Okay, girl meets world was like that.

Yeah, and so in the story, Kevin is trying to prove that the firehouse, because they live in a firehouse, the firehouse is haunted by a ghost.


and the ghost is supposed to return to the firehouse that night because it's the 50th anniversary of the ghost's death and it's going to take over someone's body and they all get trapped inside the recording studio but then nick has gone missing and they're like oh no the ghost has taken over Nick's body like what are we gonna do but then really it's just a giant prank and everyone is in on it except for Kevin
Oh, so it's like he was trying to scare them, but then they reversed it? Or did he believe it the whole time? 

Kevin believed it the whole time. Kevin was the main person who was like, I got this ghost hunting equipment and I got this ghost book and it's a volunteer fireman who died here 50 years ago and he wants to still fight fires.So he's going to take over someone's body. And everyone thinks it's kind of silly, but Nick is the one who's like poking the most holes in it.


and like Joe and, um, I forget her name, whatever the female friend is that's in all the episodes. She, you can tell, 

The blonde Chelsea.

yeah, Chelsea, they kind of go around, go along with it. But you can tell they're also like, I don't know, Kevin, but they're going along with Kevin, but really, it's a giant prank that Nick has planned, and they're all in on it.

It sounds similar to the plot of suite 613.

That's literally what I wrote. I said it's giving amateur indie comedy horror film, but Disney. And it reminds me of Ghost of Suite 613.

Nice. What were you thinking of rating?

So the only thing that I would give it plus for, which like you can tell me if this is really dumb, but I liked it, is they have interlude shots similar to that of Life with Derek. But for this, you know, the like weird interlude shots where like Casey and Derek are like,


pushing at each other or whatever. So they have those shots in this show, too, to move the scenes along. But it's like a dark, spooky hallway. They're all wearing dark clothes and spooky music and they're holding flashlights and playing their instruments. And it was just kind of like spooky vibey. I liked it.

You know, that's something I forgot to say about Ant Farm is that they did the theme song spooky.


Yeah, which is also part of why I'm okay with it at A, because I like when they do that, like, this is a normal part of the episode, but we spookified it for this one. I enjoy that.

Yeah, that's why I liked the interlude shots, that I was like, okay, this feels small, but I like that they made them creepy for this episode.

Mm hmm.

um I would still say it's probably a D, maybe a C, but it's like not very Halloween and it's not very spooky.

It takes place on Halloween?

No, I don't think so.

Okay, then it's giving D. Sorry.


I would have given it a C. 


But if it doesn't even take place on Halloween...That's all for our live-action Disney. Now getting into the only two that we allowed ourselves for animated Disney.

yeah we have the proud family a hero for halloween

f*cking S tier, guys. I love this episode. Do you remember it at all? Do you need me to summarize it?

Give me like a brief summary, yeah.

Penny's feeling anti-Halloween. There's a big Halloween party that Magic Johnson is, is that his name I think? Or no, the wizard, the wizard is hosting and Lil Romeo's going to be performing, which also hilariously, just side note, they give like live action shots of him like from his actual music videos but like he's animated in the series and i was like it's funny it's there yeah she's very anti halloween she also doesn't want to go trick or treating but then her parents make her and she's in this outfit and then she gets magickified by like uh something i don't remember what happens to her something hits her and she can now fly and also their house is being haunted by a guy who used to live in it by like a literal ghost and lil Romeo gets like stolen by the gang girls from the party so she saves him as a superhero brings him back to the party then finds out that her parents house has been like levitated up to the sky by this ghost that's haunting them and saves them and then like crashes back down and like no one believes her that any of this happens and we get a lil Romeo like bounce with it bounce with it left to the right left to the right right performance in it 

Oh my God. Okay. Yeah, I agree. It does sound S tier. Sounds fantastic.

Very entertaining. There's real magic. There's a song and it's one of the few proud family 

There's costumes

Yeah, and I don't rewatch the proud family very often, but I enjoy it thoroughly and I this is one that always like I remember Spooky masterpiece. Oh, that's right she gets powers from like how bad her dad's candy is Plus a little extra thrown in there like a little some little ghost magic got thrown on it 


anyway S tier


Next up, I did not watch Kim Possible tell me about it.

Kim Possible October 31st. It is Halloween and Kim ron and Rufus go steal this ring from this project that Dr. Draken, Duff, and Shego are after, and so they're all after, like, in every single episode, they're after Kim ron and Rufus, specifically Kim, because she has this ring, except it's really a bracelet, and it's, like, attached to her arm.

They referred.

Like an arm band

Yeah, but they refer to it as a ring. I don't know why. But it's a bracelet. It locks on her wrist. And then every time she lies, it continues to like grow into armor. So you'll see it get like a little bit bigger. And then it's like, gets a little bit bigger on her arm. It's like a bangle. And then it's like, a full-on glove and encapsulates her hand and she can't stop lying in this episode because it's Halloween and Ron wants to go trick-or-treating, but she thinks they're a little too old for trick-or-treating. And what she really wants to do is go to Monique. Monique is hosting a party. So she wants to go to that party because cute boy is going to be there. And she's lying to her parents because she doesn't want her parents to think that she is at the party with Monique because then they'll make her help out with their haunted house that they throw every year. So they think that she's with Ron trick-or-treating and so she keeps lying and every time she lies this thing grows and it turns into like full-on robot armor which I think is the photo I showed.

Yeah, yeah, and I recognize this photo but could not have told you what happened in this episode at all, but this premise is giving Pinocchio.

yeah it is Pinocchio. And then once she fesses up to her lies, she turns back into Kim. it was a fun episode. It is a little silly. There were Halloween elements because the parents are throwing this haunted house. There's a Halloween party. There's costumes. I would say it's probably like a boo. It was a good episode, but I wouldn't say it was like super, super Halloween or super spooky.

Okay, I'll go with you with boo because that I'm gonna be real that summary was giving cursed maybe we didn't flinch but it's Kim Possible and what I know deep in my heart is that Kim Possible is quality television and I believe that it was a boo even if that summary was a little janky.

I was really trying to narrow it down, but it was kind of a crazy premise.

Oh Yeah, I mean when you told me to quickly summarize proud family and I was like, ah um

Once you say magic is involved, quickly summarize becomes like impossible. 

Yeah and in that one there was a pure A and pure B and she was the resolution for both and they're yeah anyway now we're getting into Nickelodeon we're gonna do some a lot of live action and then quite a few more animated than we did with Disney so first up I didn't watch this you did

All that, episode 475, that's how they're all titled, but it's season four, episode 17. This released the week of Halloween. It's not a Halloween episode. I'm not going to get into the... like summary of anything that happens because none of it is, I would say the only thing that is like inherently Halloween is one of the sketches. It's not even Halloween at all. One of the sketches, a character has a nightmare that everyone is Kevin who is the like a set guy that's like five minutes to us starting. Like that is the most Halloween adjacent thing is this nightmare. Everything else is not Halloween. It's not spooky. It's also not my type of humor. Um, I would give it an F.

Fall off my TV. I don't want to see this flap again. So sorry to all that. We know you're iconic. We know that people love you. Prime can get mad all he wants. Prime being our friend at Prime Nostalgia Pod. You know what, guys? I grew up on all that. I liked it. Jess has a difference in the humor. I haven't seen this episode for the purpose of this tier ranking.

Mm hmm.

Fight us, baby.

Mm hmm.

It's an it's an F.

It's an F. next up we have Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of the Midnight Ride.

Yeah, I hadn't really grown up watching Are You Afraid of the Dark?  My brother watched it a bit, I think, but it's a little bit before my time and I enjoyed it. so if you are unfamiliar with the premise of are you afraid of the dark it is like kids in the midnight society they're just a bunch of friends who like sit around a campfire in the dark and tell each other spooky stories that's like every episode is one of them tells a story and then you watch the story play out and they like as they tell it, but sometimes they stop telling and then it's just acted. And the Midnight Ride is the takes place in Sleepy Hollow. It's the the Headless Horseman. But instead of it being like the original tale, it's like we all know that tale. And then at this school, probably in the 90s it looked current, there's this new kid who comes to town and he's getting pranked and by the the mean people. Cool, Amanda, concise. He likes this girl, he's getting pranked by her ex-boyfriend, who's just a bully, and he ends up, there is a Halloween party, the costumes kind of suck, he goes into the forest where they prank him, but then there is the real Headless Horseman and the ghost, and they end up getting chased by the Headless Horseman. because they tell the ghost the correct way to go so then his head never gets chopped off so then the the the tale has to be righted for them to escape from the headless horseman and there's a whole chase thing through the forests and it's um it is kind of spooky it is uh good levels of magic ghostliness

Does it take place on Halloween?

Yeah, the the they're at the Halloween party, the school's Halloween party.


They set it up and then they're at it when he gets pranked. And they're like, well, you know the tale of Sleepy Hollow like and how he got his head chopped off at this at this um bridge in the forest. You better go to that bridge in the forest at night now and get the pumpkin head or else we're gonna fight at school. And he's like, well, since I'm not scared to go, so I'll go do it. and then that's when he gets pranked but then also the actual headless horseman shows up and literally chases them around town and they fear for their lives and they have to fight it for a bit 

Okay, this sounds really creepy actually. Okay.

yeah it was kind of giving budget hocus pocus 


like the first one when when you know that it's similar vibes of like small town and like boy who's like i'm too cool for this but also a little genuinely spooky.


Because I feel like Hocus Pocus is. You know


it's about people who eat. It's about kids getting eaten.

Yeah, it is pretty spooky. what do you think? I think based on what you're saying, I would say like S or A.

I'd say ah.


Yeah. Because I think it could take place any night.


Like like it takes place on Halloween, but I think that's just like a fall legend.

Okay, that's fair. Drake and Josh Alien invasion

yeah guys this was listed as a halloween episode i'm pretty sure uh nick just does that sometimes because this came out in march it doesn't take place on halloween it doesn't take place in the spring i mean the fall. Drake and Josh are sick of Megan's sh*t. So they prank her with her new telescope and convince her that aliens are real. And then she's really scared about it. And they jump out in alien masks and are like, ha ha ha, we pranked you. And then she gets a real alien, maybe, to run at them. And they run scared. And she's like, ha ha ha. They'll be so babies, boobs, whatever. So it's got, it's got a real alien in it, but it's about pranking. It's not about Halloween.

Mm-hmm. But isn't like the real alien actually her friend?

Yeah. She makes him coffee at the end, but like, but like she calls him by his name, but it's unclear if he's a real alien or not. Cause like he doesn't unsuit.

Mm-hmm. I feel like... didn't flinch. Or cursed.

Oh I was gonna go D or F.

Okay, didn't flinch. I feel like it has some elements of spook, but it's mostly pranks and doesn't take place on Halloween.

Yeah, that's why I was saying D or F.

Yeah, it could be an F

Are you okay putting it in an F?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


I am.

Iconic show, guys. Okay, Zoey 101, did you remember this?

Wait, who? What? Are you talking to me?

I'm talking to you. I'm talking to the people. I'm talking to myself. I'm talking to my my cat. 

I do remember this episode, yes.
I watched it while getting ready to record this podcast and I thought, God, the acting is terrible. God, just, ow.

Yeah, I loved this show so I feel like i would I'm less offended by the acting because I have like nostalgia related to it, but yeah, it's not great.

I also loved the show.

Basically the whole premise is there's a haunted house, Logan's in charge of the haunted house, he makes a it a little too scary, but he's like, it's supposed to be scary. 

But then they prank Logan by convincing him that they're like

Someone gets lost. 

Zoe's little brother and his roommate pretend to be like abducted, lost into this coffin and then also convince Logan. There's costumes, it's a little spooky, but also there's a whole- there's multiple sub-lots that are very strange and not like there's- there's these french teachers who don't speak any english who are visiting the school and they see their friend who's like in a costume looking all bloodied and tattered and they want to take him to the hospital but he doesn't speak french and they don't speak english and they chase him around the whole school being like we want to help you and he's like i don't know what you're doing but i'm fine it's so strange

Yeah. Are you thinking cursed?



Sorry, guys. The episode pains me, but for a Halloween episode, it is it a there is some spook. It is very Halloween, because you don't know that Zoey's playing a prank as well. Do you agree, Jess? It's cursed?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Would you go boo? Or 

I'd be willing to go boo for the nostalgia and the like ah haunted house-ness of it all.

You know what? I think it should be cursed because cause I was gonna go boo, but I'm thinking compared to Lizzie, I don't feel like it's above Lizzie. I think they're comparable.

Yeah, that's fair.

Okay, next up.

We have iCarly. I scream on Halloween.

This one is pretty good. It's a haunted apartment. Carly gets a letter for an apartment 13B. She brings it down to the doorman and he's like, no one lives in that apartment. he like convinces her that it's haunted. So they were going to do a special iCarly Halloween livestream anyway. So they decide to do it from that apartment to just figure out if it's really haunted until midnight. But then the lights go out and they hear someone shouting like, die, die, die. And there's rattling and they're very spooked and they can't leave. They can't open the door. Sam's literally throwing Freddie's body against it and then the doorknob comes off and

It's like Ghosts of Suite 613, but better.

It's not actually haunted. The actress that plays Muriel in Suite Life is in this episode. She lives in that apartment with her son. The doorman lied because he's a tool and just doesn't like kids. And she was shouting die really loudly because she's going deaf because she's old and there was a bug in her room. And the light switch is just faulty.

Mm hmm.

but they are genuinely scared for a while. And also the B plot is that Spencer is carving a pumpkin that is so big, he hides in it. And because it's so big, he didn't have time to get candy and the neighborhood kids roll him out on the street in his giant pumpkin.

Okay, that's kind of fun. I do remember this episode, now that you're describing it, I feel like it's pretty good.

I'd give it a B or a C.

C yeah, I think it's better than Lizzie's, I would say a B.

Okay. Boo. I will say Sam and Carly aren't in costumes, but Freddy is because his mom made him a witch costume and he has to wear it and they make fun of him.

Yeah, that's funny. It's kind of cute. Okay, next up we have Ned's declassified school survival guide, Halloween and vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and zombies.



It's it's two episodes. The first one, they're throwing a Halloween party at the school. The second one...I don't remember. I watched this not that long ago. I remember nothing about it was scary or spooky. Oh, I remember part of the Halloween party involved a prank where they thought that their principal died, but he was pranking them, making them think he was dead. But for a while they were like, hehehehhe there's nothing to see under this sheet. And like, we're fully walking around the school thinking they had killed him.

Oh my god.

I would give it a C or a D. 


it is It is entirely about Halloween, but there's nothing about it that's spooky.


It was a little boring. There's nothing iconic.

maybe D.

All right. Didn't flinch. Yeah. Yeah.


It was definitely not above Austin and Ally or Hannah.

Yeah. Well, that's what I was thinking. I'm like, OK, who else do we have in C And then comparatively, where would that go? um Next up, we have Unfabulous, The Dark Side, which is the moment I started rewatching this episode. I was like, I f*cking remember this episode. I don't even need to watch it, even though I did. OK, so it's Halloween in the way that it is Halloween and people are in costume.

Yeah, I know, I know what that's like.


I'm familiar. 

the premise is they're at a spin the bottle party and Gina taught Addie like spin the bottle techniques so she can make sure that it lands on Randy who's dressed as Darth Vader but oh no there's more than one Darth Vaders and who did she end up going into the closet and kiss because if it wasn't Randy and it is Jake then like Maybe she's going after the wrong guy and maybe she's supposed to be with Jake. And that's like the main premise. So I would say it's like not really a Halloween episode besides for the fact that it takes place on Halloween.

That's a lot of these shows. I think, I think we just have to knock it for being spooky. I don't, or for not being spooky. I think it's inherently, it's not knocked for being about the plot of the show. Cause like a lot of these shows have running plots and that's fine.


but it's, it made it less spooky so it gets knocked for that, right?

Yeah, I would say like the premise, besides for it just happening to be the day of Halloween, the premise had nothing to do with anything related to Halloween or spookiness or anything. So I would say like a C is probably generous, 

I was thinking D.

but it is an iconic episode, but yeah, D.

But is it iconic for Unfabulous, or is there anything Halloween iconography?

It's iconic for Unfabulous, but I would not say anything Halloween-y makes it. No.

Okay, it's a D then, because Austin and Ally is iconic for Austin and Ally, but it's a D.

Yeah, that's fair. Oh, next up we got a fun one! Naked Brothers Band, Alien Clones!

Why do you think this is a fun one? Why did you say that?

Because um I feel like how I imagine you watching this episode of Naked Brothers Band went is how me watching the Sam and Cat episode went.

I don't think it was as bad as that 

Okay okay

because this isn't the one that I said I think I veto this. Actually, it was pretty bad. Sorry, I just read one of my first notes that involves already an adult is fat shaming a kid. The premise is they are filming a music video or some sort of something and the director's whole concept is about clone aliens. And so Nat convinces Alex that clone aliens are real which are like aliens that are a clone of you but like one thing is kind of off and that's how you know that they're not the real one and they could be evil. So it could be like you really love milk and so your clone hates milk and that's how you would know that's your clone alien and Alex gets convinced that it's real.

And the clo the clones are evil.


Okay, okay.

They're clone aliens, to be clear. So they're aliens.

Okay. okay

it's kind of giving like watered down us. Well, you don't know us. You don't watch scary movies. Sorry. I wrote, I'm questioning all of my tastes. the one thing that like kind of slaps and the whole reason that I remember watching this show when it came out, even though I was a little old for it, is the music. Because the music is pretty good. No one can deny that Nat and Alex are musically talented or talented actors. And they have a song called Run Run Run. And in a whole ass music video that is in the middle of this f*cking episode where they are in costume Running around scared from these zombie aliens and as these zombie aliens Or not sorry clone aliens and they're like run run run can't run any faster 


I wrote like a C or a D. 

Oh, based on this description, I feel like it's at least a C.

I don't remember if it was specifically Halloween though, so I'd i'd say C, definitely not higher.

Okay.Then we have big time rush, big time Halloween. And Amanda, was it big time Halloween?

yeah It was Halloween big time, yeah.


This is another parody episode. They were monsters. They start out the episode, they are monsters.


Each one of them is a different kind of monster. B-plot is Kendall is a is a werewolf and he doesn't think his girlfriend knows and he feels like he really needs to tell her, which is just nonsensical. But they have a performance at the- I don't know where they live. They live in a- it's not important, Amanda, shut up. They have a performance coming up. The manager is like, we need them to look like normal people. We didn't book a monster band. We booked a boy band.


So then they have to take a potion to turn into normal humans, which they did do, but it wears off and they become monsters again.

While they're performing.

um Right after

OK. It sounds kind of Halloween.

There is a mob. the The musical number is not related to Halloween.


And I did write down that I wish they were still monsters while they were performing. I put a C.


Maybe a D.

I think C

Okay, cool.

It sounds more Halloween than the Lizzie episode. And some of the others we put there.

It is.

So I feel like...

It is, yeah.


There's a whole vampire slayer subplot too, so.

I feel like it kind of sounds B.



We'll leave it for now. We can always settle the ranks later.

Okay, okay. It sounds like inherently pretty Halloween. Maybe not necessarily spooky, but there's monsters.

Guys, before we get into the next one, which is going to be fun and hilarious to listen to Jess talk about it, I also need you to know Jess hasn't ever seen Naked Brothers Band or Big Time Rush. I watched all of Naked Brothers Band when it was coming out. I had seen a couple episodes of Big Time Rush, but I wasn't one of those girls. I know that the Gen Zs love Big Time Rush now. But she had it in her mind that those two were like very similar style shows.


And if you've ever seen them, you know how hilarious of an idea that is, because they are truly so different.

Still in my brain, they are the same. Even though you have told me they're not, they're the same. Like I will have to be- watch them in order to be convinced otherwise.

Big Time Rush is to Nickelodeon what Jonas is to Disney.

Okay, which is what I thought, okay.

Naked Brothers Band is closer to Ant Farm. If not, it's way further down.

Okay, okay.

Anyway, and they're shot very differently. Okay, sorry. Next up, Sam and Cat, your favorite show.

Yeah, Sam and Kat, hashtag Dollsitting. I will lead by saying, when I was watching this, I texted Amanda and was like, I veto us ever watching this entire show from beginning to end, which I stand by. There's only one season, but it's 36 episodes and that would be unbearable. However, before I get into this plot, guys, this is pretty freaking spooky.


It's like, like the acting was not good. It was very sal & cat. However, the writing And the thought behind it, I'm like, okay, for a Nickelodeon show, it is inherently kind of creepy. So cat signs them up to babysit on Halloween, and Sam is pissed because it's also a Halloween on a Saturday. But they're making double the money, so Sam's like, fine, I guess we can babysit. And so a creepy guy comes over and he drops off Clarice, who is you his daughter that they're babysitting, but plot twist, it's a doll. so they're like, what the heck? Like, why would we be taking care of this doll? They don't really understand it. There's also this B-plot where I think his name is Dice, but dice they think Dice gets turned into a monkey. That's not really that important besides that they're distracted trying to deal with turning Dice from a monkey back into a human. And so while they're distracted, they come back out and Clarice has full on carved a pumpkin and is like holding a knife in her hand. And then they like remove the knife and like set the dolls.

Clarice the doll.

Clarice is the doll.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Okay, great visual.

yep and then like they go and they're dealing with dice again and then they come back out and Clarice has like popped herself popcorn has like a little blanket is watching a scary horror film on the couch so as like moves locations on her own. And the guy comes back to pick Clarice up, but he's like, I have three tickets to the hottest concert in town with amazing seats for tonight. You guys can have them, but you have to bring Clarice with you. And so they're like, okay. And so they bring Clarice, they're like having a great time at the concert with this doll, the lead singer is singing sees the doll stops the show is like, I have been being haunted by this doll, it shows up at all of my concerts. And security kicks them out. And then the guy shows up at the end of the evening to pick Clarice up. Sam kind of or Cat kind of tells them off because she's like dude what is up with your daughter that's not really a daughter and is a doll and you sent it to us to this concert and we got kicked out and like I don't know what's going on with you but I do not like your energy and then the doll turns into a full-on human child and jumps into this man's arms and then they leave. sorry that this I gave such a long explanation, but I felt like this episode really deserved it. yeah.

Wait, is giving like A or B? Like maybe A, like that sounds spooky!

It's really spooky. And again, it's Sam and Kat. So the acting is bad. There are costumes, except that 

It takes place on Halloween?

it takes place on Halloween.


I would say I would be happy with giving it an A.


Yeah, truly.

Oh my god, I was not expecting that after that text message.

I know, but the episode was kinda crazy. I was like, this is an insane and plot and it is inherently Halloween and spooky.

and pretty creative.
Yeah, yeah, like I don't think I've seen that before.

I mean, I've seen it in like scary movies, but not in any of these episodes that we're talking about.


I love a haunted doll. Okay, it's A tier. It's ah!

I know. Ah!

Because I'm imagining that's what Jess did when, I don't know, the doll carved the pumpkin. Ah!

especially holding a knife. I was like, Oh God, is this about to get dark? But then I was like, it's sam and cat.

So yes. Next up is Victorious.

Terror on Cupcake Street.

This is listed as a Halloween episode. This came out October 15th. This doesn't take place on Halloween. The thing is inherently Halloween about it. They do wear costumes. They are preparing for the parade parade. It's a parade to raise awareness about parades they get to be on television. It's ran by Sychowitz's girlfriend. or a girl that he's hoping will be his girlfriend. They make a giant cupcake as their float. They have on stupid little footsie pajamas to look like sprinkles as their costumes. This thing only goes four miles an hour. They get stuck in a bad part of town with a lot of men that seem homeless and or violent. And, um, Sychowitz goes out to get help because they have a flat tire and then the cops start chasing him because he seems crazy and pervy and he doesn't have pants on because the guys stole his pants. And then Andre and Beck go out and then the guys threaten them so they have to throw confetti from the cupcake on the guys. And then, and then Tori goes out and sees the guys and is like, do any of you know how to fix a flat tire? And they help and then they want to ride to the parade parade and it ends with all of them in the float with the the violent looking men going hey and singing a song.

Mm-hmm, it's an F, right?


It's not a Halloween episode.

It's not a Halloween episode and the thing that they're afraid of is pretty f*cked up.

Yep, correct, homeless people, like, mm. Okay, getting on to some animated Nick. As Amanda mentioned, we have quite a few more that we're including here just because Nick has so many iconic animated shows.

oh um Boy, some of these gave me nostalgia. Some of these shows made me question my taste, primarily the live action, and some of these shows made me so nostalgic.

Yeah, when I was putting on some of these episodes, the moment I put on any of the animated stuff, my husband immediately sat down and watched the TV. And the moment I switched to live action, he was like, I'm going to play games. But we are kicking it off with Jimmy Neutron Nightmare in Retroville.

Jimmy is like, guys, these regular degular costumes are boring. And so he turns Sheen into a werewolf and Carl into a vampire, except it's just supposed to be costumes, but then it works too well. And they start turning into the actual creatures and start biting their friends and turning them. And like the whole town is turning on Halloween night while trick or treating is like turning into vampires and werewolves. And then I think, I got, I gotta be honest, I stopped paying attention for half a second and suddenly Jimmy was this like floating pink octopus in the sky that was like fixing everything. It was crazy.

Woahhhh Sounds kind of like a drvg trip. Okay.

I put B or C

Yeah, it kind of sounds like a bee, honestly.

Yeah, I'd give it a B, yeah.


Because it is spooky.

and it's Halloween.

And it takes place on Halloween, yeah. There's costumes. next up.

Next up we got Rocket Power The Night Before.

Prepare to count down Rocket Power. I sent you this text message and you didn't answer. Where did you think that Rocket Power took place?

Well, it's gotta be somewhere where skateboarding is big, so I would say on it has to be on the west coast.

Yeah, it takes place in California.

in Southern California?

Well, that's why I'm asking.

San Diego.

Oh, interesting. It takes place in a fictional town that is in Southern California, but because they go so snowboarding every winter and like also just the beach towny vibes, I don't know. It was always giving Santa Cruz to me. Like growing up, I always assumed they were like Santa Cruz.

Yeah, but we have mountains too. Not as good as NorCal, but we got mountains, baby.

with snow?


Oh, okay. 

It's like the night before Halloween. Otto and a few of them get talked into going out and it's like everyone TPs houses and eggs them and stuff and then.

It's for some reason tradition in their town to like TP and prank houses in the neighborhood the night before Halloween


but because it's tradition, there's a curfew on the city. So there's like this extra risk that if they're out, they could get caught by the cops.


which is the scare part. And also, they I forget why, but there are times when like Sid and Reggie start, no, Reggie doesn't go. um The other one, I don't remember his name, but the friends start getting scared and then they all want to leave.


And they do get caught by the cops who brings them back because she has a thing for their dad, which I forgot about.


That was kind of fun to revisit.

I feel like it's not really spooky.

It's a little spooky. They get a little spooked.


And it takes place at night with kids running around, which is inherently a little spooky.

And it's the night before Halloween. I do remember this episode. I remember liking it.

There's no costumes though, because it's the night before.

Want to give it like a C?

Yeah, I could go C or D.

let's give it a C for now and we can always adjust.


Rugrats Curse of the Werewolf.

They're going trick or treating and Angelica convinces the kids that they're going to turn into the monsters that they're dressed as. And Chucky's really scared he's going to be a werewolf.


It's really just the way he says werewolf, were, werewolf, werewolf.


It's really cute.

That sounds so cute.

it's Halloweeny, there's costumes, there's the inherent fear. Well, for a while, all the other little rugrats embrace it and they're like, being a monster is pretty great. But Chucky's like really scared that he's gonna be a werewolf. they have But they in order to get Angelica to turn them all back with her princess powers, they have to give her their Halloween candy because her parents told her she couldn't have hers because she was being a brat.

So she's really in it for the candy.

Mm hmm. She's just brat. She's just, you know, angelica antics. She's lying to them, making them fear things so that they will give her what she wants. um Yeah.

Maybe like B, C.

C or c? C. I'll give it a C.

C. Okay. As told by Ginger, I spy a witch.

so outside of the school of as told by ginger there's a statue of like a founding father and Miranda who's the mean girl at the school and is best friends with Courtney who's the popular girl but she's not at school in this episode Miranda puts like a bra and face paint and things on the statue so that it looks like a silly witch which the principal doesn't like but he doesn't know who did it so it's ah it's a witch hunt at the school to find out who did it and they're casting for a fall play and Ginger gets the role that Miranda wants. Miranda's her understudy so she frames Ginger who then gets like kicked out of the play and suspended over the weekend. so the B plot is her younger brother. Ginger's younger brother is trying to do a seance with his um best friend to bring back the spirit of this old lady who I totally forgot about who was like her name's Maude and she was like a prankster who literally died in the middle of one of Ginger's dinner parties in an episode prior to this one.


So They're trying to bring her back to help them like because he's trying to scare his mom for Halloween and and nothing's scaring her and he's like I've lost that true spirit and so she comes back scares the crap out of her out of his mom, but also has a photo that she got from related to them related to this bringing back of Miranda with the statue after having put the stuff on it and gives it to Ginger's mom so she can redeem ginger and then in the play which is like kind of Salem witchy version like witch trials esque. Ginger shows up like mid performance of the actual play that night and tells everyone what happened in the cast but Miranda doesn't know that they all know and they start like changing the script and turning on her and are like witch witch witch witch until she confesses.

Oh, drama.


Wait, this sounds like a really good episode, actually.

It's a great show.

Yeah, okay.

For so many other reasons, but yeah, no, it was enjoyable. It it was spooky. There was an actual ghost. There was Salem witch stuff. There wasn't any Halloween costume, Halloween party, Halloween trick-or-treating, none of that. 

Okay. Are you thinking, like, boo?

B or C

Okay. I think let's go with boo.


It sounds more Halloween-y than some of the things we currently have in C. Okay, and next up we got catdog, catdogula.

Okay, this one did not make me question my taste as a child. This one was like, yeah, I f*cking knew this show was great. And everyone who judged me for watching it was so dumb. Guys, we almost took CatDog out the running of our list. And I was like, no, because I just want to watch CatDog. And I don't think I'd seen it since I was a kid. And it's so good. there's a vampire problem on Halloween.

There's these like vampire Peruvian vampire ticks that are like biting people and turning them into vampires. And it's also Halloween and they're wearing costumes and they're trick-or-treating and dog gets turned into a vampire, but not cat. And then the there's an angry mob that's rising up against the vampires, literally like pitchfork style, like chasing them around town while

Oh my god.

they're trick-or-treating. And then the only way to turn someone back from a vampire is to smother them in garlic juice. And there's this abandoned conveniently abandoned garlic factory that they run to in hopes of like turning dog back before the mob gets him. But also at this point, the whole mob has been turned into vampires by the vampire tics. And just in the nick of time, Cat pulls the giant, giant garlic crank thing and the juice falls on everyone.

And they all get turned back.

Yeah. Yeah.

While dog is a vampire. Is he trying to like bite people and turn like cat into a vampire?

not Cat, but other people, but he keeps getting um confused because Cat, as part of his initial costume before all this went down, just happened to be wearing a garlic necklace. So he just was like shoving it in Dog's face and Dog would like turn back into himself for a second and then turn back into a vampire. And there's also scenes where Dog like turns into a bat and flies with Cat just like, I'm not supposed to be this high in the air. 


So he has vampire powers and he is um he is a vampire. He wants to bite things, yes.


I'd give it an A, honestly.

Yeah, it sounds great. It almost might. It sounds S. 

Yeah, I feel like I'd give it an A, like maybe I could give it an S, but that feels biased.

Okay, okay. Let's give it an A.


All right, next up, Danny Phantom, Fright Night.

They have to decorate a haunted house as punishment from a teacher. And so what does Danny do? He goes into the ghost realm and steals a sword that makes real ghosts come out and fight. and That's the episode.

But aren't the real ghosts like manifestations of people's worst nightmares?

I don't remember that, to be honest. I zoned out.

I think that is true though.

Okay, the problem the issue I think that I had with this episode, and I think that this is a fault of Danny Phantoms, and also a flaw that Wizards kind of ran into, is that the premise of the entire show is

Is spooky 

inherently Halloween-esque, so that the Halloween episode did not stand out at all.


So to me for that reason, like it's like a C or a D.

I'd be okay with C. I feel like throwing Danny Phantom at D, even for this episode is mean.

I know we have Wizards and Hannah at D though.

Oh, okay, okay, put it at D, put it at D.

We can close ranks later, because I feel like you're going to be surprised by some of the stuff.

next up, we got Fairly Odd Parents, Poltergeeks. basically, Timmy's parents believe the house is haunted. And so they want to bring back their ghost hunting business that they used to have, which literally they just blew up people's houses. So it wasn't very successful. And so Timmy's like, well, I don't want them to blow up the house and everything I love in it. So he tricks them into thinking they're successful. But then he's like, Cosmo and Wanda now you have to haunt every single house in the neighborhood so they continue to think that they're successful and they don't just start blowing up people's homes but then they get fairy catchers and a fairy chipper and they're almost gonna like completely shred Cosmo and Wanda And there's this baby fairy and it grows huge and it breaks out of this haunted house and it like rescues Cosmo and Wanda. it's not Halloween. I guess it is a little spooky because it's not spooky though because there's no actual ghosts. It's just Cosmo and Wanda pretending to be ghosts.

It doesn't take place on Halloween?

no. And it's all because Cosmo is sleepwalking and Timmy's parents see Cosmo. And then they're like, oh my God, there's a ghost in the house.

So that's what starts like starts it.

It's giving D.

Yeah, I would say it's not a bad episode. It's just like not really Halloween.

OK, but there's like ghost stuff element, so that's why I didn't say F.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

We'll see.

Yeah. Okay. We have Hey Arnold, Arnold's Halloween.

I loved this episode. This was another show that was like, oh my God, I'm so nostalgic when I watched it. So good. Anyway, um Arnold is trying to prank his grandpa and the other people in his tenement and convince them that like aliens are real. But then he ends up accidentally causing chaos in the entire city who are now convinced aliens are real.

And there's like a mob. It's nuts. And it takes place on Halloween there's trick-or-treating.

And they look creepy, too.

Yeah, yeah. So Helga was already telling all of her friends to dress up as aliens. And Harold or Arnold was like, that's perfect because I'm playing this prank. You guys should show up at my house at this time. And then he and Gerald do like a radio transmission, being like, the aliens, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And there's also this guy on TV that's like a conspiracy theorist that's like, telling everyone that aliens are real. And then he hears the radio frequency and or transmission and is like, the aliens have been spotted in this city. And they get all over the news and everyone's like freaking out and they're running after the kids who are dressed up as aliens. 

I feel like this episode, like when people think, Hey, Arnold, they will, they would think of this episode.

Yeah, I think it's up there for sure. I enjoyed it a lot 


and it is very Halloween and there is some, there's nothing supernatural about it. But there is like some element of spook in that kids are being chased around by adults and there's just like madness over the city.

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, aah!

I was gonna go boo.

Okay, I feel like it deserves more than boo.

I'll put it at ahh! OK. Next up.

The Wild Thornberry's Blood Sisters, Nigel's filming an episode to educate people on bats because people have wrong opinions about bats and he wants everyone to know how great bats are. And so they're visiting this guy, Dr. Spinoza, to help him educate everyone on bats. And he answers, except it's not the real Dr. Spinoza. It's a full on evil vampire. Um,

A real vampire?


Ooh, the hesitation.

um i say yes because like he doesn't really seem that evil but like yes he is a vampire

Yeah, he can be a real vampire without being evil.


Edward Cullen exists.

That's true. That's true. And Nigel and Marianne both are kind of like, oh, this is kind of f*cky, but they kind of go along with it in a way that you're like, why are you following this guy into like dark caves? Like, aren't you guys smarter than this?


um And then Debbie and Eliza are off just like trying to outspook one another and scare each other and they fall. down a trap door and there's literally like thousands of bats and all the bats release at once and then they find the actual Dr. Spinoza and then the impostor tries to bite Marianne but she's a badass and like flips him over her body before he can get to her and then like Eliza and Debbie are like, here's the actual Dr. Spinoza and that's the episode. it's not halloween like it doesn't take place on halloween or anything like that i'd say it is a little spooky because there's vampires there's like a haunted castle or at least it looks haunted there's bats there's creepy caves 

It's giving Halloweeny.


Also, can I just talk about... Someone call CPS. the way that the the Thornberry's girls are constantly in danger? In mortal danger?



And like this entire episode, Nigel and Marianne are just like venturing off with this vampire. They have no idea where any of the kids are at any moment. Like literally. And nor do they care.

And isn't that the scariest part of it?

Yeah truly, um I appreciated because for the longest bit, there was no bats. And I was like, you're not going to give us any bats. So when there was the cave full of bats and they all like swarm out and are buzzing around Nigel and he's filming a show and he's all stoked about all the vampire bats. That was kind of cool. It definitely added points to it for me. But I would say it's still like a C.

Oh, I thought it was sounding B.

It could it could be a B.

Oh, but we have, okay. I'll put it at C right now, just cause like that's where Rugrats and Rocket Power are. And it feels comparable. And then the last one, Jess, do you want to talk us through this last one?

Yeah, Lazy Town Haunted Castle. Okay, we decided to include this. We know it's a little more younger leaning. Amanda didn't watch it. I watched it because I babysit a lot of kids who watched this at the time that it was coming out. 

I hadn't watched it. I've never seen an episode of Lazy Town, but I saw it on the list of Halloween episodes and I was like, wouldn't that be hilarious?

Yeah, and what LazyTown has going for it in terms of a Halloween episode is that the animation style of LazyTown is haunting.

Like it's just creepy.

yeah because like they have actual humans playing characters but then they also have like claymation looking characters but then the background looks very like theater backdrop so you have like a lot of different textures and layers going on with actual humans it's like yeah 

Mm-hmm. I know the vibe.

it's very strange 

It's giving Disneyland.

Yeah, but in a way, I love Disneyland. But rewatching the show, I was like, whoa, parents let their kids watch this and I watched this and didn't question it because it's strange. But basically, the premise of this episode is that the kids are building a playground and the mayor warns them that they need to like not cross this gate, don't approach this haunted castle in the distance and to be home before dark or bad things will happen. And so as it's getting dark, all the kids are like, let's go exploring the castle. And so they do and Robbie Rotten dresses up as a ghost and scares Ziggy and the castle almost comes crashing down because they're all at the top of it and it's like crumbling. um And then Sportacus comes and saves them all and they go home. It's not spooky. I would give this a D or maybe an F.

It's not Halloween.

it's not Halloween, no.

Okay, I'll put it at F.

Okay, I feel like we have to close ranks though because there are definitely somewhere I'm feeling like I was too harsh 


on them and I'm regretting it.

Okay. Let's go. All right. Do you want to go F up or you want to go S down?

I was gonna I was gonna ask you. Do you want to go down or up?

Let's go down. Let's go down.

So start with S.


In S, for Spooky Masterpiece, we have That's So Raven, Even Stevens, and the Proud Family


all of which deserve to be there.


A for Ahhh, the Ghost of Suite 613,


Ant Farm Are you afraid of the dark? Sam and Cat, Catdog, and Hey Arnold.


I feel good with all of those at A.

Mm hmm. I feel like the only ones, yeah. I'd say we could probably make an argument if we wanted to for ant farm because of calling all the monsters. And for hey Arnold, but I'm happy to keep them.

The vibes weren't good enough for an S.

Okay, b boo.

Arwinstein Phil of the future. What is this that I'm looking at? Oh, shake it up. Jessie, which I'm good with boo or I could do a Kim Possible. You still good with Kim at B?

Not based on the other things in the category, I feel like it could be A. But continue.

What is this? iCarly, Jimmy Neutron, and As Told by Ginger. Do we have thoughts about things we want to move around?

Yes, I think so. What was the one that you said potentially could move up? 


Jessie. Okay.

Because it has the whole Frankenstein um scene.

Mm hmm.

Theoretically, like iCarly was pretty good. Jimmy Neutron was pretty good. Phil of the future, honestly. I really liked the Halloween episode as well. But I'm not mad at any of these being at b.

I personally, if you feel inclined to move Jessie because you watched it, I feel like we should. From my perspective, I feel like we definitely need to move iCarly and we definitely need to move Phil the future.

up to A.


Okay, but Kim's staying at B.

Yeah. Because then I started to think about how convoluted and crazy that plot was and then I decided it's a B.

Okay, I've moved, okay, I moved all three of those. 


so And I think that works because I think there's more like D's and C's that I'm going to want to move up. Okay, so in C, cursed, we have Lizzie McGuire. Which I already am like, should that have been a B.

No, I don't think so. That episode is not great.

Good luck, Charlie.


Zoey 101.

I feel like good luck Charlie can move down.

Down. Okay. 


Zoey 101. I could move it up if you you want to.


Just because it is spooky.

Yeah, yeah, let's move it up.

Okay. Naked Brothers Band is staying where it's at. Big Time Rush is also in C. I could maybe move it up, but I'm not terribly inclined. Rocket Power, Rugrats, and Wild Thornberrys. I think Rugrats could move up.


I'm good with wild thornberrys and rocket powers seeing where they're at though.

at at C.


And then D for didn't flinch. I have Austin and Ally


which does have a Halloween party, costumes, and a small prank. Wizards of Waverly Place. I just don't think it's that good of an episode, but that's not what we're supposed to be doing the criteria on, but it's not spooky at all.


Hannah Mon-

I think it's fine at D. And Hannah Montana is fine, definitely fine at D.

See, I was like, could Hannah be a C? But it's really not Halloween.

No. No. And as you said, the costumes there, it's Hannah-ween They're all Hannah. Like, they're just, yeah, I feel like, no, it should stay at D.

Girl Meets World is definitely a D. I don't know what this picture is. It's one of the ones that you watched. Jonas.

That's a D, leave it.

Ned's declassified. It's not scary at all, but it is very Halloween.
Okay, I'd be okay. I feel like we could move that one up.


No, honestly, Unfabulous, no, Unfabulous needs to stay. It's all about, oh my God, I kissed the wrong person. Is this who I'm supposed to be with?

Danny Phantom, I think could go up to C.

I think we could boot move both Ned's and Danny to C.

and fairly odd parents.

that could stay.

And then F tier fall off my TV. I don't want to see this flop again. All that Drake and Josh victorious and lazy town.

Okay, I'm happy with that.

Okay. Final ranking from top to bottom or bottom to top.

Let's go bottom and top this time, why not?

Wow, hear me say it all over again, guys. F tier, fall off my TV, I don't wanna see this flop again. We have all that. Again, these are not the shows, this is just the Halloween episode. Drake and Josh, Victorious and Lazy Town, primarily all not Halloween episodes. D. Didn't flinch. Austin and Ally. Wizards of Waverly Place. Hannah Montana. Girl Meets World. Jonas. Unfabulous. Fairly Odd Parents. Good luck, Charlie. I'm not saying the episode titles. I don't know what they are. C for Cursed. Lizzie McGuire. Naked Brothers Band. Big Time Rush, which I just forgot the name of for a second, Rocket Power, Wild Thornberrys, Ned's Declassified, and Danny Phantom.

B for 


Arwinstein from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Shake It Up, Kim Possible, Jimmy Neutron, As told by Ginger, Zoey 101, and Rugrats.


A for ahh! 


Ghost of Suite 613 from the suite life of Zack and Cody 


Ant farm, are you afraid of the dark, sam and cat, catdog, hey arnold, Phil of the future, jessie, and icarly


And in our final S tier, which has not moved since the very beginning and is so just correct. Spooky masterpieces, all three. We have that's so Raven, Even Stevens, and the Proud Family.


I feel good about this.

Me too, me too. I definitely would love to do this again with other episodes. So as we mentioned, there's like a hundred plus. So if there are other episodes that you're like, oh my God, you left out my three favorites, like let us know.

Yeah, absolutely. Or if you think that we're all talking slander, talking sh*t, you know? I'll accept it. 


Let us know.


I'll take criticism. I'll take a note. I might not agree, but I'll take it. I had a lot of fun. I really did. I had a lot of fun watching these episodes, thinking about what makes a good children's show, thinking about what makes a good Halloween episode. I gotta say, I definitely felt the glaring difference between Nick and Disney even more than I ever remember having felt. Especially, of course, the Schneider shows. The number of times that I heard the word hobo There were at least three different shows that use the word hobo as comedic relief. Maybe all Dan Schneider shows, to be honest.

Yeah, well, and even I don't even know if this was Dan Schneider, I think it is. But like even Sam and Cat

It is

the whole premise is around like two dumb girls, essentially. And it's like we could have given these characters actual personality traits.

Oh, it's known that both Sam and Cat started in their original shows, their first like series or two, being actual characters. And then by the end of iCarly and the end of Victorious, they just were like ridiculous caricatures of what they had originally been to where, when they get to Sam and Cat, it's just like, what the f*ck?


um And that is a Schneider production. Yeah, just so... strange. 


And I feel like we are gonna be in for a wild ride with our classic content. A, when we get to Nickelodeon, but even more so, B, when we get into our next show, Hannah Montana, and our other are other stuff where everything's getting louder, the humor's getting different. I feel like there's gonna be, surprisingly, even though we're getting more current, I think there's gonna be more jokes we're upset by.

I completely agree, and I know that that's going to be true, especially in this period that we're into entering with like the late aughts.


early 2010s is like when all this content is coming out. And yeah, I think there's going to be a lot more things that are offensive. There's going to be less of like the great episodes. you know, like Babe Raider with life with Derek, for instance, we're going to get a lot less of that. So I'm interested because I feel like Hannah is one where I'm like, I loved watching that show grow up. So I'm excited to get into it. But yeah, I think we're going to have a lot to say.

I honestly think the part about Hannah, the only things, like there's some female objectification in there, but I think the primary thing that's going to rub us is all of the jokes about Robbie Ray's weight.


But yeah, i I agree. It'll be really interesting to see because Hannah and Wizards is like really our bread and butter.


Well, up next, we're going to continue our fall content. um We have some fun stuff going. We're gonna watch the new Beetlejuice Beetlejuice movie 

AH! I'm so excited!

and get that for you. We're gonna do some classic stuff like Halloween Town. We're also gonna mix Heartstopper in there baby because it's coming out October 3rd and you know we gotta talk about it whether it is fall or not. with that, please, please, please follow us on all our social media. 90's Babies Nostalgia, spell out the word nineties on Instagram and TikTok. Nope, on Instagram and YouTube, but on TikTok, use the numericals there. Please, please, please comment, DM, we love when you chat with us. And with that, we'll see you in the next one. Stay spooky.


Nineties Babies Nostalgia